
Showing posts from March, 2013

I dare You Not To Watch Your television (TellMeVision literary trailer pt 2) © 2013

All that you touch and all that you see… A hand holding a remote control presses the channel switch button: The scene changes to a television commercial: “I BELIEVE IN GOING TO ANY EXTREME TO GET YOU THAT PERFECT CAMERA SHOT AND THAT PERFECT VIDEO. TO DO THIS FOR YOU I’VE BEEN SHOT AT, FELL HUNDREDS OF FEET, BEEN INSTITUTIONALIZED, AND HAVE BEEN ARRESTED IN THIRTY DIFFERENT STATES, AND IN TWO DIFFERENT COUNTRIES. This week we explore the land that time forgot, the Mississippi Delta. I’m in search of a local legend about a vigilante known as Johnny Walker Knight. I’ll be exploring dangerous streets during the twilight hours. In order to find the truth I will interview drug dealers, con men and thugs. They’re will also be a surprise that you won’t want to miss.” Hawk explains. to see where this all started purchase Fearless book 1 "FEARLESS" .99 cents

I dare you to read this TV commercial part 1

TellMeVision Commercial © 2013 “Fearless book 4” …because you know how this all ends… Inside Brown’s Funeral Home: She squirms. Her nude body is restrained by her arms, feet, and waist on the mortician examining table. She can’t scream because he has pacified her by stuffing his latex gloves into her mouth. He grips that scalpel in both hands menacingly. He wears a spandex suit and mask. It is colored black, gray, and white in the pattern of an American flag. It is as if he was once covered with the flag when he died, and now out of personal spite he wears it as a uniform.

The secret 4 things that will happen to you if you write fiction

I am just that guy living next door doing things. (a work in progress) When you have been doing things creatively for awhile you start to experience some creative absolutes. You ever think about someone and then see them? You ever get a great idea in your head; and then later see it used by bigger entities, like famous writers, movies, songs and even television? You ever write something and it comes true later? Who can you tell that you thought of it first? After a while you quit telling anyone because; after all, post prediction destroys credibility. Post prediction also can fall into that annoying “I told you so” categories. You ever get disgusted at some book, some movie, some video, some book, some song that sucks; knowing that you have done better and don’t have enough monetary success to quit your day job? ____________________________________________________________