
Showing posts from March, 2019

They killed Socrates with hemlock for asking such questions. Now uh days, daze, some many of us drink poisons voluntarily. (c) 2019

Well, in a world of God's spells (Gospel), coincidences and things we should see-Are we spiritual beings having a human experience? Over the years, I've reflected, asked questions that can not be answered-many times, not yet. Or did I refuse to see? Family matters tend to repeat themselves. Is this life just how you feel about events? As well as how you respond in healthy or unhealthy emotional ways? They killed  Socrates with hemlock for asking such questions. Now uh days, daze, some many of us drink poisons voluntarily.  What's the point of it all? I think it lies somewhere in the premise of something I heard long ago, "Are you controlling situations or are situations controlling you?" Is the key to progress in investing your time into being better to fulfill yourself and thus society. Like going through uncomfortable events to get credentials to improve your financial status. Yes indeed I do believe that there are family curses that someone must take