
Showing posts from December, 2019

#Christmas gig #comedy #inspirational

I've learned that you never know when that moment of greatness will come. It's a thing that is the result of discipline and perseverance. You may perform hundreds of times publicly, and practice hundreds of hours only to have the audiences that walk out when you start. You may have to wait for hours to perform. You may have to wait for minutes that seem like hours. You may have hecklers. You have those practices at home that sound awesome-then you go live and sound awful. You may play to no one in the audience. You may have only a handful in your audience. You may spend days working on a piece and be forgotten  because you don't appeal to the masses. Then, you have that moment. It maybe a few seconds, it may be less than five minutes. It's that moment when everything works. Like when you're jamming out a a Christmas gig and you create a sludge metal riff. Santa Clause is looking down, afraid to make eye contact because it sounds dark and heavy. I'll use th