
Showing posts from February, 2019

They call me Holmes (#openmic blog post) (C) 2019

Diligently, I have been taking action to follow my dreams. This passed week February 12, 13, 14, and 16th I have performed at 4 different openmics. I haven't seen anyone else do that. Tuesday was at Fenian's Pub. Wednesday was at Martin's. Thursday was at The Sonny Montgomery VA. Saturday was at Synergynights at The Med. Usually, I only do this many in one week when I'm on vacation from work. I just can't imagine not doing something to invest in my dreams. I have those times, like we all do, watching people do things, while sitting still. I am referring to watching television. In my case, it's watching internet. I don't think I'll be slowing down either. I'm gaining ground and momentum. Comically to me, the only thing I'm losing is my hair line. My lyric content is getting better. I'm not looking at the fret board when playing guitar, as much. I'm not buzzing on frets as bad as I once did. Lately, I've even been singing. It is v

#Valentine "Her John" The House of Baghhckkoooze chapter 6 ((The Third Movement) excerpt (c) 2018-2019

click here for chapter 4 click here for Chapter 6 Flashback: CHAPTER 4 ( Causes and Conditions) Then he heard a fly buzz. He saw the fly on a single red light bulb that was hanging from the ceiling. The buzzing combined with the sound of white noise from the television set. There was a bare mattress, in the corner, had no sheets. Layers of dust, mildew, and stained spots of dark red. No one was in the room. “Where did he go?” He asked out loud, in a voice tone so commanding. He didn’t know why he sounded so commanding. “Okay, how can I help you, Sir?” By the door that leads to the next room, sat an attractive woman wearing a denim dress. She was seated behind a desk. He looked down at her. Then followed his eyes to her staring at the bed. On the bed she was straddled, on top of a man, having intercourse. Then the door opened and closed. An angry man stormed in, with a gun in hand. Shot her in the head. The man she was riding got up and ran out of the door. The macabre scen

The House of Baghhckkoooze chapter 6 ((The Third Movement) excerpt “The Ultimate Confrontation of Good verses Evil.”

During The 1980’s satanic panic: The cameras were running. This was one of the first times a television talk show was seen worldwide. The weeks passed had commercials promoting, “The Ultimate Confrontation of Good verses Evil.” On God’s side was Christian minster Bob Lord’s verses the satanic preacher Brother Levey. Much to the credit of Levey he showed up solo and looked utmost professional in his custom-made black suit with red. It was much like a Christian Reverend suit, except being red in the collar. Bob Lord’s ripped into his opponent repeating Biblical scriptures and giving his personal interpretation. Levey was quicker outwitting him by what the passages actually meant. “All of you just assume we dress in crazy clothes say archaic things, and like pulling a rabbit out of a hat, we bring harm to people. We don’t believe in god or the devil. We believe in human nature like; only the strong survive…” “Then why won’t you let us visit your house of evil,” Lord’s

Lost a notebook I write in, the synopsis of Chapter 6 1/2 of The House of Bagghhhcckkooze.

I lost my notebook the other day. Why is that significant? It is significant because it contained lyrics, poetry, job notes, and most importantly, the at the time, the latest unedited writings to “THE LOST SPHERE” - Chapter 6 and a 1/2 to THE HOUSE OF BAGHHHKKKOOOZE. available  on Amazon kindle In the chapter that was lost, I was venturing into being trapped in the seven layers of hell. The latest chapter is an origin story. Before the addictions rehab center, The House of Bacchuss (pronounced: Bagghhhcckkkoooze) came into existence there was a man who is known by the name ‘The Owner.’ The Owner, years back, was in jail for selling a special narcotic he produced, he called ‘Revelation.’ In jail, he was placed in solitary confinement for defending himself against his cell mate. In solitary confinement he is emerged into a world of darkness. In this darkness, he has visions, and astral projections of being emerged in the seven levels of hell. His time in jail shapes him to create T