
Showing posts from May, 2015

Notes Byrning XLV ( Many will quit at the rejection phase.) ©2015

She had kids closer to my age than she was. She was in a long distance relationship with a guy in another country. She got lonely. I wanted to accommodate her. Didn’t take long for us to become an item. She’s an artist-painting, drawing, and a musician. Had musical roots in Chicago , Iowa , and in the Hill Country Blues. Hill Country Blues comes from places in Mississippi like Holly Springs . Musicians she knew and jammed with were Junior Kimbrough, and R.L. Burnside. Of course, there’s many more that are known and unknown. The Mississippi Delta had more of a slide style-Muddy Waters, Robert Johnson, Tommy Johnson. The Hill Country Blues is more finger picking style-R.L. Burnside, Jr. Kimbrough. (he jams and talks about the blues go to 5:17 and 15:27) Blues in Clarksdale taught me that it didn’t matter what age you were to become a star. There’s musicians in the Blues that are world renown. Some started between the ages of 35 to 55. The late T-Model Ford started at age 55. https:

The Notes Byrne XLIV © 2015 "Desperately stay up all night watching infomercials on self-help and religion.And with finger clicking speed you try to change your life."

When you are desperate to find answers, to fill up the void inside, you stay up all night looking for answers. You might touch your TV screen as instructed from an evangelist. Ironically all self-help, religious, and miracle money making schemes start airing, on Tellmevision, during the witching hour-2 am. Stay up all night looking for answers. Then you sleep all day to avoid people because you’re paranoid you might get hurt. On one such morning I saw these celebrities talking about how they accomplished their dreams. All of em’ giving credit to Tony Robbins #TonyRobbins Get The Edge, “Do you have it in you?” I decided I did. With finger clicking speed I ordered “Get The Edge.” Received it with in seven days. It heavily emphasized taking action, meeting goals, and strategies to achieve those goals. The program is about a week long covering finances, he