
Showing posts from January, 2020

into The Twilight Zone-A reflection theophanies and epitaphs in progress...

It comes as a marathon during certain times of the year on the #SYFYchannel. It's 11:36pm and the marathon of the #TwlightZone is on. Where is your mind at? What of those memories triggering your emotions? As for me, I'm remembering being in The US Army drinking while I watched The Twilight Zone Marathon. I ponder now if something else was going on. I'm remembering this, "Damn T.V. ever shut up? Not the greatest thing to wake up to after a drunken blackout. I think I have seen this episode as a kid. It is the one where the sun wouldn’t rise in the western cowboy town. And nobody could figure it out until the very end. The reason they came up with was that they all had done something in their lives. They came to the deduction that the sun was never going to rise again. My mind used to wonder after seeing something like that. It would be the inspiration get’er. I’d grab a drink, smoke a j. and start writing the most insane things. At the time I would think it was jus