
Showing posts from April, 2013

Who is Black Amerikkka? (TellMeVision literary Trailer 4)

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Inside the funeral home : A very thick condensed black smoke began to come out of the air vents. It was a strange smoke that stuck to anything it touched like a mix of ink and mud. “What the hell is going on here?” Hawk yelled, as he confronted the man dressed in the black, white, and gray American flag spandex costume. He still holds the scalpel above her nude restrained body. The black substance began to wrap around them in thick strands. Then it totally consumed them. Soon after it was as if they were wearing skin tight black leather suits that covered their entire bodies. A hand holding a remote control presses the channel switch button. A scene from a ghost sightings reality television show: “Way back in the seventies we found out that the father of a family’s step sister’s cousin’s in law’s dog became possessed after drinking from a pollut

This is a secret. Don’t tell anyone! (TellMeVision literary trailer pt 3) © 2013

The proceeding is part 3 trailer to the latest version of my kindle e-book series “FEARLESS.” The title of this book is TellMeVision. I recommend you read the other two trailers so that you will know what is going on. The links below, in the comment section, are to purchase my e-books (the first book of the series is only 0.99 cents), and to see the previous literary trailers. Thank You- _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hawk is a medium build man. He is fond of wearing a silk black tank top, purple leather pants, custom made snake skin tennis shoes, and wrap around yellow sun glasses. His off camera partner is the conservative Mr. Warner. Warner usually dressed in a plain, drab suit and tie. Change scenes to the bar “The Pony’s Tavern” where there is a bartender who has told stories, to anyone who tips well, about a vigilante named… “You want anything buddy?” The bartender asked Mr. Wa