
Showing posts from January, 2014

∞†‡∆ ("0" excerpt)....

Aghhh the senselessness, I left my grandfather to go smoke a cigarette because I couldn't smoke in front of him....He wanted to spend his last days with me. He had lung cancer from smoking. “THE MIND IS .. –JOHN MILTON ..PARADISE.. LOST A PLACE .. OF ITS OWN AND IN IT ONE CAN MAKE A HEAVEN OF HELL OR A HELL OF HEAVEN.” ∞†‡∆ Papa, I remember the first time you came in my dreams after your physical D.E.A.T.H. You were in your favorite chair. You were pointing toward something you wanted me to see. I was afraid by seeing you. Thus, you disappeared. Sincerely, Lil John The methodology of the Sintax had caught up with him (WILD TURKEY and FILTERLESS CIGARETTES). The trespassing of the cells (Cancer) had already begun feeding on his mortality. Had a valve inserted into his chest; the first of the (mechanical insects “worm”). It was to feed him medicine. Had two televisions within arms length of his bed. Grandma told me that he would wheel himself into the den. He would cry as

What's Purgatory Like? (excerpt from "0")

What is Purgatory Like? It’s like being in an unemployment line waiting for your number. Yea, waiting. And once you get your number you get to talk to “the Man”. “The Man” or perhaps you could consider the man being “God”. “The Man” (counselor) gives you a choice. But with the value of the dollar changing, one doesn’t have many options. Thus, the changing of the value of the dollar changes the value of the person. Ha! “In God We Trust”. “Number 67.” The speaker system calls out. “Damn I wish I had a cigarette.” I mumble to myself. “Yea, you ain’t lying.” The 20 something year old in front of me said as he turned around. “But ya’ know if we get out of line we’ll lose our place.” Yea-smoking cigarettes adheres to the sin of sloth. Or at least, literally, killing time. and uh’ as I looked in his eyes (halls to his mind) I saw a struggle much like mine. Something went wrong a long time ago. His girl talked to another man and… instantly, he assumed she would cheat on him.

“0” An American billboarded perspective (ABSTRACT) (excerpt from "0" purchase now ) going on sale $0.99 Jan 10-Jan 16

“0” An American billboarded perspective (ABSTRACT) My father had us play ROAD SIGN ALPHABET to beat the monotony of long family road trips. This game is played by spelling out the alphabet on billboards. The first one to reach Z wins. I took the game a step further by studying how a town’s secrets are revealed by their billboards. Or do the billboards dictate a town’s secrets? The two haunted highways are Highway 61 and Highway 49. Highway 49 descends to the end of Mississippi (Gulfport) (the Gulf Of Mexico), and ascends in Clarksdale. Highway 61 ascends to Memphis Tennessee and descends near St. Francisville Louisiana. Walked into that bar with a Bill W. pop face t-shirt on and my soles worn out on my shoes. Yea, my soul endures. Twas an armpit of a drag that has a homeless shelter, a church, and a strip club-Choose Your Fate-Choose Your Salvation-right? Bet’cha’ all of these establishments are in a territorial war. And like a head looking around to make sure if the coast