
Showing posts from November, 2018

"to be" certain (edits in progress) (C) 2018

Tony Robbins told me on "Get The Edge" that I have to get certain.  He told me to close my eyes and hope for something. Then he told me to close my eyes and be certain of something. I found like all do, that there is a level of confidence that is reached when 'certain.' I recently have started doing one repetition of bench press in the morning when I wake up. Some mornings I haven't been able to do it. When in failure, I get over two hundred pounds pinning me down. I have to wiggle my way out however i can. On most of these moments I failed because I didn't think I could do it. On the evenings of those mornings of failure,  I add five more pounds then I do in the morning. I do this so I can be certain that the next morning I can do it. I have found that by practicing, and/or, doing something over and over again brings us certainty. Unfortunately, this also applies to habits that aren't good. Another way to be certain is to tell yourself something ove