
Showing posts from April, 2024

The Government Owes Us Money (C) 2024 pt 1 from book "INSIDE Your Shadow." #stimuluscheckscamyoutube

 ...then on the screen of the T.V. (TellMeVision) box, a person is throwing dollars, one by one, on the floor from a balcony. A female voice emerges from the sound of the dollars, "The Government. Yes our government is lying to us again. Surprise Surprise."- that introduction was the cue to fade to black, then return to a clear screen focus to a black woman's face that has no blemishes. Beautiful pristine afro-An I'm wondering has "'Fight The Power' come to this?" She continues, "Our government owes us stimulus money that they have not been telling us about. All of you will get an extra $6,660." The numbers in big font flash on the screen while she enunciates "Six thousand, six hundred, and sixty dollars."-a strange frequency hums over the sounds. Her face looks even more beautiful as she goes on, "This money our government owes us is on a black card. You can spend the money however you want. They'll put more money on it