
Showing posts from November, 2019

That's Just The Devil (C) 2019 excerpt from Chapter 9 Sin-Bizzness part 1

Years ago, The Owner was locked away in Lousiana prison  1125137676, for selling his specialized Crystal Meth 'Revelation.' One day, The Owner being worried that he was not on God's good side sought confession ( he Sacrament of  Reconciliation  or  Confession)  with Reverend Lavert. The Reverend was remembering how hard, he thought, he had worked to serve God. He’d go from door to door asking others to come to his church service. Too many times, he’d hear voices from the other side of the door. They’d say things like, “There he is be quiet. Maybe he’ll go away.” “Doesn’t he know we go to a church much better than his?” On those times that they did answer, “We’re not interested,”-door slam. “What proof do you have that there is a God? If you want to tell me about Jesus; let me tell you about satan,” a twenty something year old answered the door, wearing a pentagram. “That’s just the devil,” he replied after listening to The Owner. “Is it? There was a new kid who ca