That's Just The Devil (C) 2019 excerpt from Chapter 9 Sin-Bizzness part 1

Years ago, The Owner was locked away in Lousiana prison 1125137676, for selling his specialized Crystal Meth 'Revelation.'

One day, The Owner being worried that he was not on God's good side sought confession (he Sacrament of Reconciliation or Confession) with Reverend Lavert.

The Reverend was remembering how hard, he thought, he had worked to serve God. He’d go from door to door asking others to come to his church service. Too many times, he’d hear voices from the other side of the door. They’d say things like, “There he is be quiet. Maybe he’ll go away.” “Doesn’t he know we go to a church much better than his?” On those times that they did answer, “We’re not interested,”-door slam. “What proof do you have that there is a God? If you want to tell me about Jesus; let me tell you about satan,” a twenty something year old answered the door, wearing a pentagram.

“That’s just the devil,” he replied after listening to The Owner.
“Is it? There was a new kid who came here about a month ago.
He reached out to me. It was like I knew him from another life.
I became known as “The Man who brings death.” I guess that title has been with me
for a while. Longer than I’d like to admit. I’d see a certain inmate and the voice
would return to me, ‘You know how to help us escape hell.’ Then there’d be signs.
For example, a certain song would come into my head. Queen ‘Another
one bites the dust.’ Then when I was out on the yard, I would see a spiral of wind,
like a dust devil.” “A whirlwind,'” The Reverend interrupted The Owner’s
Sacrament of Penance (confession). They were in a booth.
“Right, a whirlwind. It spiraled dust about fifty feet in the air.
I locked in a stare with one of the inmates. Seconds later, he attacked
a guard, tried to steal the guard's gun. He was killed. Throughout this
whole ordeal I kept hearing the voices,
‘You know how to help us escape hell.’ Maybe God is punishing
me by letting the devil control me. Paying me back sort of deal.”

Too many times hearing convicts confession at the prison and hearing The Owner
speak of the power of what he conceived as the devil convinced
Lavert to go to the other side. Lavert had always heard that the devil was the
master of this world. In the beginning, he’d watch the preacher’s on television
while he was getting a late night, early morning buzz at the junior college.
They had packed stadiums. He pondered on how much money they made.
Back then, it seemed like a win win situation. He could
improve lives and get paid for it affluently. He remembered a two am show:
“I have a message from God. There’s someone in this crowd suffering from
back pain. Come to the pulpit now!” That person came to the stage.
The Evangelist placed his hands on the person. Next the Evangelist
pretended to speak in tongues. Then the person started dancing around.
The church band did it’s common gospel music piece. The crowd
cheered loudly. The Evangelist answered, “Praise Jeez-us.”
All of the Evangelist seemed to
say Jeez-us, and Gawd the same way. It gave Lavert inspiration.
Thus at that small town community college he changed his major again.
Changed it to Theology.
This time he worked harder than he had ever worked before.

It took the Reverend a while to realize that he had to get in good with big Christian church organizations, as well as, pay a hefty fee to them. Organizations like The Southern Baptist Association. After that, he got appointed. It was what, he thought, had to be done.
buy chapter here


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