In many respects being a school teacher grants the opportunity to be a “superhero.”

            Before all the crimes, corruption, economic slavery, drug abuse and pestilence etc etc; there were influential minds. These are influential minds that were taught to believe, and thus act out on their instilled beliefs. Beliefs that were established as a reaction to their environment. What if families are being decimated because they get paid more money from the government for staying apart than staying together? What if there are Foster parents are paid $1,000. per child by the government every month? What happens when 3 or 4 generations make more money being unemployed than working? What incentive do these persons have to work? Teachers are effective when they focus on “reasons for behaviors” rather than “the behaviors.”
            What happens when these generations enter into public education? Do they have incentive to work? Do they have incentive to make their quality of life better? Teacher’s who come from healthy nurturing environments are shocked when they come into situations that are verbally assaulting. Unfortunately, also physically assaulting as well. The turn over rate is high in public education. In the meantime, critics whose kids go to private school are putting down teachers. That first day or first two weeks might go fine if you choose to teach that first day instead of teaching them rituals and routines. Predictably that day will come when you do what your instincts tell you to do when confronted by a child verbally assaulting you. That is to defend yourself. Thus comes the yelling. All those many lectures, student teaching, essays, are forgotten. You’re now surviving through.
            Quite simply, those first days of school you must teach procedures. I recommend three weeks because that is how long it takes to establish a habit. Teach them drills. Take them out in the hallway and have them walk to and from the gym, the office, and the cafeteria. Have them raise their hands and not blurt out when they have a question. Design a seating chart so you’ll learn their names. Have them divide into groups to do assignments of what they want to do when they leave high school-this way you will learn their synergy with one another. Assign them interest inventories and then use these interest when you teach your lesson. This will bring you loyalty because you took the time to learn what they like. Establish five class rules that don’t include the word “no.” Give each of them a note book and a tally sheet that they can use to write down their assignments. Do bell ringers that are related to your lesson-this will give you at least ten minutes to get any last minute preparations in. Have a solid lesson plan that over plans, and changes activities every 10 to 15 minutes. Call parents, send out letters introducing yourself. Go to their ball games. ONCE AGAIN MAKE SURE THEY HAVE THEIR RITUALS LEARNED. Ask peers what they recommend. Watch them teach. Learn of what each individual student fears, and what is holding them back. Utilize this knowledge to build their confidence when you teach. 
            After guiding them through procedures, teach them. While doing so, strategically get them to express their fears. Open up their minds to the possibility that they can live a better quality of life. Subtly change their values and morals. Once you witness first hand, and you will, that you have improved their lives; take pride in knowing you reached him/her. Keep in mind that students and teachers learn from one another.

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