Memoirs of The Cult, The Living, and The Dead (C) 2018

In our latest chapter to (click The House Of Baghhkkk-oooze) I make reference to a character, Zene Levi. This character is from one of the first books I wrote when I got clean and sober titled (click 2to1.) Introspectively, from 2002 to now, I see that this book was very strangely therapeutic. I was coming to terms with the autopsies I assisted in doing, as part of my training in the US Army, as a Mortuary Affairs Specialist. Through most of it I was hungover. I remember the time as part to wake me up I worked on an autopsy of someone who died of alcoholism. Was too wasted to really get a positive effect from it.

In this book, I was also reflecting, my life before the US Army. When I came back and the issues I had with returning home, after I the US Army. That's for another blog post.

I remember our First Sergeant telling us when we assisted the FBI in 911, something to the effect of "...don't be afraid to get help even if it's years from now."  To me it was just so unnatural to see dead bodies. Some people it doesn't bother at all. I have felt that perhaps I was weak for letting it effect me. Especially, at certain times of the year, when I see, the people around me being dead on an autopsy table.

With writing about a character about someone so obsessed with dying and not really doing it, I fear now that some may take the act of suicide lightly. I know now suicide as being something so unnecessary. Since writing it, I can't count the number of folks I've known who have committed suicide. Especially, when a childhood friend of mine died. I am still shaken by it.

It was so freeing to write 2to1 . I didn't think I could write without being drunk. Through out the years, I have heard countless others, who have also had this concern.

I was extremely fortunate that the 54th QM Company sent me to see a therapist weeks before my last drink, and rehab. This counselor introduced me to a book that forever changed my life, The Artist Way. The book is in a format that coincides with 12 step recovery. I did the steps of AA and the steps of The Artist's Way  side by side.

In the future, I will address the issue of how to be creative and clean and sober at the same time.


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