“Well many say that X marks the spot,” Chapter 10 The House of Baghkk-ooze (C) 2020

The Owner stood side by side, in the bar room, with a man who has a thick West African accent The tall very dark complected man wearing a dated three piece suit . This man is the human form of Popa Legba. Popa Legba is the Voodoo God who stands at The Spiritual Crossroads.

The Owner and Legba watched the storm come in.

“How long has the creature been here?” The Owner asked Legba.
They both were looking at the water outside. The waves were getting worse. 

“It has been here before man. Some call it Leviathan. Others call it Cthulhu.
Most who know of it, say that the beast sleeps. From time to time someone
will awake Cthulhu.
When we were on that ship. So many of us were praying to die. Others, 
were praying for vengeance."

The slave trade that came to New Orleans. The flies had made their way to
the insides of the ship.
To feast upon the slaves that were packed like sardines in a can.
.Legba possessed a body, before the body died. He was stung on the forehead.

. "One of the captains mates was striking his gold coin against a metal bar. He was guilt ridden. He was trying to rid himself of the guilt, telling himself that he could live a new life with the money he earned from the trip. The combination of sounds were enough, some would say, to wake the creature. They didn’t have a chance.”

“Has anyone actually seen this creature?” The Owner asked. Legba chuckled a bit,
then answered, “The sightings aren’t as many as there were a hundred years ago.
What most don't understand is that such things are able to come to us by the ways of
Especially sounds, frequencies. There was a belief among many that
The Ancient Ones created the technology to be their vessels to control this world.
This is what they had to do as humans forgot them.
There have been natural disasters like hurricanes, tsunamis, volcanoes,
and earthquakes in which The Ancient Ones and The Old Ones have been
awakened. Much of the time, those who are forced to see things that most can not see
are on the verge of death.”


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