God show me a sign (C) July 1, 2020

...I can't remember many of the times I asked God to show me a sign. I also can't remember many of the times I asked God for help. Of course, I wanted instant guidance that was on my own terms.

Just because I can't remember doesn't mean God didn't forget. Good thing that I didn't get what i thought I wanted. I may have not been ready. or maybe if I would have gotten what I wanted it would have damaged me. Or maybe God's time wasn't the same as my time.

 This whole human will thing can be quite a fickle matter.

It can be interesting to guess at what were signs and answers from God. It can be emotionally exhausting and exhilarating when searching, and putting meaning into events of our lives. What if events aren't meant to have meanings? Not having a meaning can be a meaning within itself.

the other day when I received a message that was a scam. It was an invitation to join 'The Illuminati Brotherhood.' They were offering things like sports cars, million dollar homes, and a salary of $100,000.00 a year. All I had to do was pay them $1,000. dollars. for the initiation fee. I remembered when I was drinking I would have been so gullible that I would have quit my job, conned money from friends and family because 'I'd show them all when it happens.'

This could have been the answer to me asking God to send me a sign, and/or help me.
In present time I am not drinking and drugging. I constantly had some scheme in my head of how to get something for nothing, without the work. Fell in love with a dream without doing anything to make that dream a reality. I am different and better.

Hopefully soon, before it's too late, he will realize that he needed to stay drunk and high so that he could continue to believe 'I'll be rich and famous when it happens.'


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