...Let Somebody Love You."-Lyrical interpretation. (C) 2020

...then there are some songs that are created by trying to learn cover songs. One day around three years ago, I decided I wanted to learn Poison's "Every Rose has its Thorn." After all, that's a great crowd pleaser. I wasn't at patient enough to learn it on guitar.. I laugh, as I write this, thinking about how it's one of those cheesy heart break songs. One of those songs you listen to over and over again. thus carrying the angst longer than you should. I remember twenty years ago, when I'd think I was playing it on a kids keyboard that one of my friend's gave me. I drank a lot. An in the meantime, the days go on and you find yourself. Find yourself able to want to live life again to the fullest.

Yet,unable to because you have a fear of being hurt again. I looked into the audience and wondered how many more were out there trying to fill that part they think is missing. Then the hook verse came, "I been watching all these crazy things you say and do. One of these days you gotta slow down and let somebody love you."
All these things you do (Dare to find yourself). You'll see the girl who dresses provocatively with her short skirts, skin tight dresses. You'll see the guys, mostly, throwing around cash in hopes of impressing people. You'll also see that person who tries to buy love with all sorts of gifts: cars, outfits, houses et cetera. You might see a person give employment for love. Some date many people with the thought in mind, "You gotta use them before they use you."

Then you might find someone like me too afraid to get broken again. Thus, is that the reason I find all these things to accomplish to try to cover up the loneliness and melancholy?

Of course, "If you can explain love you're not really in it," read that on the board in Mrs. Lawrence's English class in a junior high school .

The song I wrote, "Slow Down and Let Somebody Love You" is cowardly saying lines in verse that I should say to you-the one I want but never approach.


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