“I think you’re famous and just go to festivals like this to get encouragement.” (C) February 8, 2021

Four Saturdays Before Christmas 

It’s not every day that I have an opportunity to get a paid gig. Therefore, I had to be at my best. I practiced about an hour a day for two weeks on whatever Christmas jams I could find on the internet. Even did my standard, of recording myself, to know exactly what I sounded like. Sonny, the guy who gave me the gig, told me to play the same five songs over and over again. How would I be able to pull that off for four hours. Sonny told me “This is not going to be like it was when you did the comic book sale at the store last year. When only a few people show up. There could very well be a crowd of fifty to a hundred.” I can’t afford to mess this up. It can’t be like those nights, more then I’d like to admit, when I play a set and I’m the only one left in the bar. 

 The place was big. It used to be a Food World Super Store. There were ten rows stacked full of comic books in two hundred and fifty per box. They also had toys, costumes for cos play. There’s a big space where at least thirty booths are held. Today was the Christmas toys festival. In the booths were comic bookstore owners, and freelance artist. There’s no telling how many customers are going to show up today. Indeed, this like Sonny tried to warn me. I can pull off “Rudolph,” ”We Wish You A Marry Christmas” “Deck The Halls,” “Jingle bells.” Then in between the Christmas jams I can play my own.

 I started off with Rudolph. About two minutes into it, “My sister and I were noticing that you sound so sad and depressed. What’s wrong?” Is my negative self-talk affecting me that much? In front of me were two sisters. I do not remember the one who had on street clothes name. The other had on a tribal African long dress, and a turban on her head, called herself BossQueen. “I’m just nervous.” “Why are you nervous?” I looked down at the ground. “Why don’t you just play something you are used to playing?” Then they both walked away. “Ok.” Then I proceeded to play my “Heroes” cover along with my song “Without You.” Both in the key of D. “Why don’t you play your Christmas songs like you did those other songs?” BossQueen asked me. 

How did she creep up on me? Geeze didn’t even see her. “Because people won’t like the songs if I do it in my style.” “Look John, anyone can sound like that. But not anyone can sound like you. What’s one Christmas song that you really know?” “I’m pretty good at Jingle Bells.” Then I proceeded to play Jingle Bells. Boss Queen interrupted me, “You still sound like you’re trying to sound like them. Sound like you. Play the song. I’ll take the mic and show you.” Who is this woman? Is she a secret fan? Naw that just ain’t possible. In a few seconds, she was getting a small crowd behind her. “Now that’s how you should do it.” An just like that the crowd went back to what they were doing. After playing “Jingle Bells” over and over again with her “You’ve almost got it,” It was getting late with her saying come on one more time.” 

 Then a nice gentlemen from a booth, he was selling vintage comic book character toys, like Spiderman, Superman, Wolverine. He had a large collection of Star Wars. He came to our area, he had his guitar with him. He proceeded to play Little Drummer Boy. When he was done, he explained that the story was not in the Bible about the drummer boy. The drummer had nothing but his song to present to the king. “That’s how it is with God. God just wants the best of what you sincerely have to offer,” he said. After he went back to his booth, BossQueen had me play Jingle Bells for another hour. Then she says to me, “I think you’re famous and just go to festivals like this to get encouragement.”

 A few days after that I was at an openmic at The Field Sports Bar. Something strange happened…


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