Who and Why controls everything...

“ ‘You see, there’s a problem. We must move forward to progress. It is our mission from God to civilize savages, my dear sweet princess.’ So he, the great Desoto claimed drunken and convincing himself once again that he could defy time itself. He was clever with his words, and the Great Queen, oh so loved flattery. Thus, he got her endorsement to finance his trip to find his fountain of youth. He would need a crew to set out on his great expedition. Yet the Queen of Spain was wise and sent her own spy. The spy, being a man Catholically endorsed.
Mist floats on the water. Squirrels jump from tree to tree. Fog stays on the grass where unseen snakes wait.
Underneath the school, spirits wait to be at rest by moving their bones. With the bones, do ideals get buried underneath self-imposed agendas?
Inside a conference room, underneath one of the biggest prisons of the U.S. a group of the world’s most powerful individuals in the world are plotting. And their logics are ‘in the best interest of the people’-by their best intentions. One of their schemes was over a decade ago.
Change the young minds. Teach them about the goat ‘Baphomet.’ A world leader reads a book to preschoolers about a pet goat…the second part was an archetype a prince of the sky, or a God throwing a lightning bolt to buildings that represent a country’s security. Part three of the spell is to sacrifice the masses to Baphomet. Call it having the masses frightened. The Group’s primary objective is to enslave the weak. It follows the theorem that ‘only the strong will survive.’ Their ‘Higher Power’ wants people to live in fear. Wants them to be in so much misery that they become servants to their selfish cause. They are disguising what their new plan will be, and what it already is...

purchase "Going Educational" here http://www.amazon.com/Going-Educational-Book-honea-byrne-ebook/dp/B00OO72B4I/ref=asap_B009RYIORG_1_8?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1414805533&sr=1-8


  1. I like it. You should search Youtube for "Satanism Music Industry". Fun stuff.

  2. So true man. Good stuff Johnny Johnson!


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