Carlton-An alcoholic's story. Excerpt from "Going Educational"

.  A dog with cigarette burns needed to be washed and cared for. His former owners used him as their personal whipping toy. “The poor dog snapped at me. Why? I think he was triggered to always fight back as if his life depended on it. I hated putting that muzzle over the poor fella’s mouth. Yet, fortunately the dog sensed my touch was a loving one. I removed the muzzle as he whined and looked up to me hoping. Ever so hoping to be loved. The dog saw me cry. That was another moment time when I knew inherently knew that I was able to handle situations in my life which used to baffle me,” Carlton shared at 24th Avenue AA group that was within walking distance of his work. This is one of the biggest AA groups on the Gulf Coast. It averages around thirty persons per meeting. The walls are greenish white and still had a haunting reminding line on the wall from Hurricane Katrina having her way. The chair and tables formed a half of a crescent shape. At front was the desk for the chair man. Against the walls outside the tables chairs were against the walls. “Wow, Carlton you give me hope from your experience. I remember when I justified my drinking by saying ‘at least I’m not as bad as Carlton.’ As a matter of fact, at one point in time, former so-called friends would gather at my house and we’d spend hours talking about how terrible you and others were. Toward the end, my friends departed and I was left alone to my own vain defenses. I was at that point being unable to imagine my life without drinking.” 
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