Before a World in love with Horror #HorrorMovies ie #TheExorcist etc, etc, before We As The United States, US, Traded In The American Dream for The American Ghost Story, there was an exorcism done by Jesus.

Before #GhostHunters, #ParanormialInvestigations, #Dracula, #VladTheImpaler, and a World in love with Horror Movies ie #TheExorcist etc, etc, before We As The United States, US, Traded In The American Dream for The American Ghost Story, there was an exorcism done by Jesus.
Jesus came to a graveyard meeting a man possessed by demons. Jesus asked who these demons were they told him "We are Legion and are many." Jesus casts the demons out of the man and into a pack of pigs. These pigs drowned themselves in a nearby river.

luke 8:26-39      Luke 8:26-27: They sailed to the region of the Gerasenes, which is across the lake from Galilee. When Jesus stepped ashore, he was met by a demon-possessed man from the town. For a long time this man had not worn clothes or lived in a house, but had lived in the TOMBS.

Luke 8:28                       As soon as he saw Jesus he shrieked and fell to the ground before him, screaming, "What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of God Most High? Please, I beg you, oh don't torment me!"
Luke 8:29    For Jesus was already commanding the demon to leave him. This demon had often taken control of the man so that even when shackled with chains he simply broke them and rushed out into the desert, completely under the demon's power.
Luke 8:30    "What is your name?" Jesus asked the demon.    
     "Legion," they replied-for the man was filled with thousands of them!
28 When He came to the other side into the country of the Gadarenes, two men who were demon-possessed met Him as they were coming out of the tombs. They were so extremely violent that no one could pass by that way. 29 And they cried out, saying, “[a]What business do we have with each other, Son of God? Have You come here to torment us before [b]the time?” 30 Now there was a herd of many swine feeding at a distance from them. 31 The demons began to entreat Him, saying, “If You are going to cast us out, send us into the herd of swine.” 32 And He said to them, “Go!” And they came out and went into the swine, and the whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the sea and perished in the waters. 33 The herdsmen ran away, and went to the city and reported everything, [c]including what had happened to the demoniacs. 34 And behold, the whole city came out to meet Jesus; and when they saw Him, they implored Him to leave their region. 
The following is an excerpt from my work "0" with reference to Jesus Exorcism 
October 30-31 1974
On these days he hypothesized himself in that pitch black room. Here, he could better understand how to manipulate his sleep/wake cycles (pineal gland) with altered dimensional travel. Therefore, he would act out against peer patients. In a windowless black room they’d have him in a straightjacket doped up. Learning to keep himself in control was like being trapped in a maze. It was pertinent that, before he felt the effects of thorazine, he had to willfully place his human will in a safe place.
September 23, 2010 2:09 am
I try to argue “But God never caused harm to anyone. Therefore, it’s not right to harm others.” A voice screams its contempt in the wind.

Father’s Day 2008:
Before opening my driver’s side door I looked into the window and wondered through my reflection. Was there anything different about me? My confidence? Had I finally let go of my resentments? I was remembering Mathew-“the unclean spirits entered the swine; and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the sea, about two thousand of them; and they were drowned in the sea.

Mid October 2001 I-95 Back to Fort Lee 11:32 am
Air force One flew over head leaving its shadow upon our bus at the truck stop. I had a new sense of hope.
He had been studying the brain enough to hypothetically know that he had to take glucose to keep control of his own will. It took thirty minutes for the three packs of pancake syrup and 2 cups of coffee to work.
            He laid on his deathbed. He never would have thought that he would be so far away from home. Richmond was proud that, his son in law John Hancock, was so successful at his trucking business. It took him years to be financially stable. In his twenties he lived in Monticello Mississippi. Richmond was struggling to get money and had support from his uncle Jim Byrne. Jim had gained a large strip of land through a lucrative real estate deal. He was paid hundreds of dollars from the bar and club owners who had built their businesses on his land “Byrne Hills.” He had accomplished this and other goals while under the influence of the Spirits (alcohol).
September 23, 2010:
            Spirits went across the valleys-As I feel myself getting pulled in between two very different worlds that only exists…
through dualities.
            The shot of thorazine forced him to be incoherent (he felt it)-he knew he had something more powerful than the shot in his subconscious mind-he did what he could do to send his will to Perennial Gland-travels through corpus callus.
            He realized that he had to control his brain by using his own will power. He trained by consciously focusing on different objects in his surroundings (his peers, pictures in the encyclopedia, scenes in books and t.v.). He would ask himself how he felt about all things. These games made it possible for him to control his blood flow. Specifically, draw it to his frontal lobe.
They’d come and go so much it made him depressed. There was such a high turn over rate of his friends. They’d come in here because they had destroyed themselves by changing their minds into their own worst weapons. As they got more healthy they’d share their most deepest secrets in the group therapy sessions of ultimate bonding “I Love You Man” talk. Usually took about a month for them to become sane enough to rejoin society. They were telling him the truth (when they told him) “I’ll never forget you” “I’ll be in touch.”
            No, he could not have been made in God’s image.
During an Arts and Crafts session he was fighting his tears so much that his vision became blurred.
            He could not stop that single tear drop that landed on the word “emotions.” He was studying the human brain (frontal lobe) from the World Book Encyclopedia.
September 23, 2010 2:04 am
            This is brighter than anything I ever gazed at the moon. I feel the light ray consuming every part of me. The Halo of Jesus (the moon seems as if it’s coming down to cut the Earth in half).       It’s not like what they say when walking toward the light. I don’t have a choice once it consumes me. There is no logical pattern I can compare it to. I become the light.
2008 2:05 am
            He was playing that same disc “Dr. Feel Good.” The disc that now had scratches on it that gave it what he preferred to call “a remix”-and he’d start rapping rhymes. Rhymes he thought were so hip. His 15 year old “Z” sports car matched his tore up body. His face, once so handsome, was riddled with open sores full of puss. Just one effect the Meth did to him.
            He’s a lost soul roaming the streets.
­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Father’s day 2008 11:45 am
            “Lord please spare me. So the Lord put the demons (Legion) in pigs that drowned themselves in the river.”
September 23, 2010 2:04:45 am
            The “Blinding Light” moves so fast. It is as though it hits all of the grave yard at once. I feel a knot in my stomach. Tightens my chest. Makes it difficult to breath. The Spirits Want Vengeance.
                                                            they tell me i can help them
                                    We’ll take your body
                                    We’ll take your soul
2008 2:05:30 am Father’s Day                                                                                                            when two dogs were in his path he sped up and hit em’. Hit em’ with such momentum that it damaged his radiator.
            His car was broke down in the middle of the road.
            Unfortunate, a Gulfport Police Officer was behind him.
            Searched “feelgood’s” car with the drug dog.                                                                                                         
            The police officer was so excited to be the one who finally caught Dr. “Feelgood” Dope Dave that he didn’t pay attention to Dave coming behind him and stealing his pistol.
September twenty third, two thousand and ten A.D.-

         My mind won't clear as God's night eye shines, descending upon me. If I look up will I ascend to the heavens? I look at the bright dots in the sky, and am reminded of the inevitable possibility that I could be looking up at man made satellites. After all, even cell phones now give the user the capability to self-promote videos and music, etc etc etc, to the masses. Oh Loh'rd, it's unfathomable to ponder how many terrible sights and sounds are polluting the entertainment industry. (Hopefully, I ain't one of em.
       Furthermore, what I think of myself, and what others think of me are two different things (more times than I would like to admit).
  I keep my eye sight down on Jesus' feet.
My Baptism
Father's Day 2008
West Tallahatchie Baptist Church
Clarksdale, Mississippi
I waited in line (perhaps my salvation "beyond space and time" from Purgatory) and when my time came, at 11:34 am, I stepped slowly and cautiously into the Baptism water. I had on that grey three piece suit I bought custom made in Korea. After all, I had to look good for Jesus-

     Luke 8:26-27: They sailed to the region of the Gerasenes, which is across the lake from Galilee. When Jesus stepped ashore, he was met by a demon-possessed man from the town. For a long time this man had not worn clothes or lived in a house, but had lived in the TOMBS.

September 23, 2010:       I was told Katrina in German means "cleansing of the Earth." The water during that time had to be about a foot high-THE SAME HIGHTH

Fathers Day 2008:                             Felt the water on my shins.
Luke 8:28                       As soon as he saw Jesus he shrieked and fell to the ground before him, screaming, "What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of God Most High? Please, I beg you, oh don't torment me!"

September 23 2:11 am         Feel the mist rising and getting thicker. A cool draft hits my lower back and travels up my spine to my neck. Spirits whispered in my ears...
Luke 8:29    For Jesus was already commanding the demon to leave him. This demon had often taken control of the man so that even when shackled with chains he simply broke them and rushed out into the desert, completely under the demon's power.

9232010 2:08 am  Open my eyes to see the mist change into fog. The fog swirls around me like a serpent's coil. I inhale 7 times in my nose. Then I exhale 7 times out of my mouth (temporarily I felt death)-

Luke 8:30    "What is your name?" Jesus asked the demon.    
     "Legion," they replied-for the man was filled with thousands of them!
1999:     I remember the last time that I astral projected was in Fort Leonardwood Missouri...
 "0" is here, 
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