100,000 views Thanks for your support LOVE YA'LL (edits still in progress)

It's taking time for me to express to you what it means to me to have your support in reaching over 100,000 views.

If your seeing my blog for the first time. Thanx. On these pages are my thoughts on life, samples of my creative works.  These are mostly from my e-books on Amazon kindle. click here for my Amazon kindle pageThe latest blogs, as of Summer of 2018, are from "The House of Bacchuss"-this is about a haunted rehab facility in New Orleans. We release a chapter a month. click here for chapter 1

If you're not into all that horror, one of my most popular posts are a "100 Love Letters I'll Never Send."
You might also want to see "Notes Byrne" my memoir (somewhat fictional).

If you're seeing this again, I thank you for continuing support. I am getting better at what I do. Am very honored you stayed with me. I am pretty sure we both learned something about ourselves, the world and where we fit in this world.

Please subscribe to my blog.

Haven't made money off of this-the life experiences are priceless. I am certain one day, it will pay monetarily.

Started this blog in 2008. A lot of things can happen in a decade. I started this blog before doing #TonyRobbins Get The Edge. I started this before I doing open mics. Started it before I put e-books on kindle. There's a lot I've done that most don't know about. Some have built families, businesses and empires. As for me, I built, am building, something that most don't.

I've learned that there  are things that happen to you in this life. It is how you respond to these things that define who you are. Things like loss of your mind, loss of your body, loss of your lovers, loss of your friends, loss of your job/money, etcetra etcetra, and death.

So many deaths have happened.  I never would've imagined the deaths that came. In the cemetary Floral Hills, there are twelve friends and relatives buried. Eight of those deaths happened in the past ten years.

There's an intimacy in what an artist shares with the audience. An intimacy made of things that come from experiences.

I've gone through being in love with what I create, to getting personally angry when you didn't love what I created. I've gone through hating everything I create. Over time, I've learned to separate my emotions from my creativity to look at it more honestly (You're right a lot of what I created, and musical performances sucked). I reckon you're only as good as you know you suck...

I've put myself through hell just to find a reason to believe. I haphazardly been allured to darkness just for entertainment. I've fueled myself by fear and hate (don't last long). I've been fueled by love and joy (lasted way longer).

But hey we all gotta earn our own wings in this life right?


Fell in love with the act of creating. Fell in love with thoughts of "How Great It will be with fame and fortune." Without merit. Put everything in crazy dreams. Had em' ripped apart when the audience didn't see my greatness. Had to remove myself emotionally from the creativity. Chose to endure long projects that had an emotional toll. Hopefully freeing. Hopefully done with the fears-Time Will Tell. Played long hours of head games as what I wrote imitated my life having me wonder which comes first, "Life imitating art; or art imitating life." Is such as life when your only way of intimacy with others is your creativity-I've shared my deepest secrets with strangers-And at the end they said "Play a song we know."

I've lived through friends dying, losses of my mind, losses of my employment, loses of romance-sometimes, more than I like to admit, I long to be a family man. While you were out doing what most do, i was here creating.

...and like most I learn best when I fail. Like most, there are things I haven't done because I fear failure (rejection). Indeed, this getting others to like what I do reminds me of high school-where who you know, how others approve what you do defines your success right?

I've celebrated recovering from mistakes I volunteered for and wore the pain like a badge of courage.  You be you. I'll be me. We'll meet somewhere in that...


Holmes (aka) honea byrne


I'm on facebook, instagram click here you tube click here youtube


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