Wrong Place Wrong Time (Killer Gene) Excerpt from The House Of Bachuss Chapter 4: (Causes and Conditions)

The accidental tourist had called the number by a command on his cell phone
He drunkenly said, “Baghk-ooze” instead of Back-uss. As in the restaurant. The House’s number came up.
 It’s a telephone line that usually can only be reached by going through a series of
algorithmic mazes.
Thus his smart phone’s gps lead him to a side door.

“Who are you?” The accidental tourist asked.
He carelessly stepped inside.

“Hello, my name is Henry Howard Helms. My friends call me ‘Howard.’” The door slammed
 behind the tourist.
“Is this The House of Baghck-ooooze?” Once again his drunkenness caused him to say
 the House’s name correctly. Then the tourist got more frightened as he started having a
memory that was Julius. The memory of the door when it closed.
Julius insisted to walk to the chair alone. It was his last living act of dignity.

Howard smiled gleefully. For once, he could do what he had wanted to do. Helms
 lunged forward.
Stabbing him in the stomach. The drunkard, swung his arm widely barely missing
Helms’ head.
 Helms stepped back and the accidental drunken tourist fell forward and landed face first.
The knife went deep into his stomach.
Helms knew he had to move fast. He looked around, forgetting about the tools
 in his pockets. There was a pen attached by a thin wire to a clipboard.
 Helms gripped the pen and started stabbing.
Then he wrapped the wire around the drunkard’s throat. He heard the pen roll
across the floor.
Covered in blood, the words ‘House of Bacchus’ could still be scene,
Helms had never felt so strong. He then felt in the pockets of his scrubs.
He had a huge syringe. He dug deep in the accidental tourist stomach through his flesh, and
 intestines. He pulled the scissors out. Put the scissors in his pocket.
Then he stabbed him in the neck with the syringe.
Emptied the fluid in to the huge vein. Henry Howard Helms heard the drunkards
heartbeat slowing down. Could hear him gurgling in his throat. Felt the accidental tourist body
temperature dropping.
 “I WANT YOU TO LOOK AT ME!” Helms screamed, as he turned him over. He knew,
just knew that he would get strength by stealing his life force.
The accidental tourist eyes glazed over. Helms laughed gleefully.
He knew, just knew that he had killed The Man. Then he grabbed him underneath
 his arms.
Started dragging him down the hallway. The House sucked in the pool and 
traces of blood through unseen cracks in the floor. Strange sounds came from the house.


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