preview Chapter 6 (...he found a bit of solace in that.) (c) 2018

Years ago:
The early morning sun rays came out. There was steam and dew off of the surrounding waters that lingered to the parking lot of the unnamed hotel. The owner spent hours before finding a side room. When he stepped outside of it the police were waiting on someone. Heath was outside looking very worried. His hair looked greasy and he was already sweating profusely under his arms. Felicia, formerly known as Monkey, was outside too. When The Owner saw the police he immediately threw his hands in the air surrendering. Heath’s eyes got huge shocked. He was very relieved. He just knew for sure he would be arrested. Heath had a bag of the hybrid weed from The Owner. Coincidentally, two of the five arresting officers were in the car chase many weeks earlier. They had lost The Owner when he dove into raw sewage.
 “Thought you said the coypu would get him.”
“He’s gonna’ wish the coypu got him.”
The Owner didn’t resist. The officers took him to the ground quick as if he were some sort of serial killer. The Owner thought to himself, “Maybe they’re right to treat me this way.” After all, he had been dealing drugs for years never getting caught. A tear slowly streamed down his face as he thought about all the, probably, thousands of lives he had infected. Some of them shot. Some of them addicted, living lives that they wish they were dead. Then he smiled as they threw him in the back of a cruiser. He smiled because he knew inherently that he had changed. He was a better person. He didn’t have the thoughts like he used to, of blaming others  and he wasn’t blaming God, his Loh’Rd, or the devil. It was his fault. “Maybe this is my chance to do my part of the deal he had made with God when he was underneath the city,” he thought to himself as they got onto the main highway. He worried a bit wondering what part he would owe to the devil who he had also made a deal with. 
Yet he was comforted because God created everything, including the devil-he found a bit of solace in that.
‘I’ll let you live if you bow down and worship me…’ The beast said. He opened his eyes and saw it grin. This was no dream; this was happening right now. He rolled over and got on his knees and bowed his head.


‘That’s more like it. I will grant you power before I send you on your way. You will have money and influence, but you will have to send me a few snacks. I think you know what I mean.’ The beast said and laughed.
‘Victims?’ He asked.
‘NO! I want volunteers, tainted souls have a more savory taste.’ The beast said. Suddenly, he was surrounded in a blinding white light. He lost consciousness. He awakened in the pool of shit and piss with a new attitude. He had a mission in life. He would be the pimp of the god he had discovered.’”
..and so he let out another desperate prayer to his God. The God who loved him unconditionally. He was having another memory. He still didn’t know if it was his own.
 It was a church service. The minister had a pointy goatee, and a bald head. He wore a Black suit with the middle preacher section of the shirt red, “ Moses saw a flame in the distance. God called to him.”

“God please help me. If you help me this time I’ll do whatever you want,” he cried out desperately. The memory continued, “God called to Moses,” now he was in the pews. He was the only one in the church, “Just as God is calling out to you!” The preacher stared into his eyes as if he was trying to get inside of his mind, “You’ve been in the demonic sphere of gluttony.”

“Follow me,” the preacher shifted into a light. Then he opened his eyes. He saw a light at the end of the tunnel. “THANK YOU GOD!” Thus he ran to the light. From a distance it looked like a plant on fire, a burning bush.

Then he was in front of his burning bush; a marijuana plant that was twenty feet high. The plant was a hybrid. The product of pills, cocaine, liquor, marijuana, and other unknown things fermented in human feces and urine.

Because God created everything, including the devil-he found a bit of solace in that.


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