The House of Bacchuss (Baghckooze) preview excerpt from Chapter 6 (c) 2018

"I didn't speak until I was around six years old. I was afraid to speak because all I ever heard was yelling. My parents argued a lot. I heard once that my father saved my mother from hell. She was a woman addicted to drugs, looking for anyone to save her. My father worked in a funeral home. Once, he was involved in a cult case 'The Harvest Moon.' I was in a back room of the morgue because, as usual, my mother left me there. I somehow wondered into the examining room. At the wrong; or was it the right time? When I walked in I saw the corpse of the cult leader Zene Levi sat up and looked at me. Then the strangest sound came out of his mouth. They said the body of Zene Levi, functioned like it did because of air, and nerves left in his body.

What I heard, I was able to pronounce. Thus that sound became the first word I spoke. Eventually that sound evolved. My mother said it was a curse. Every time I said, "   " something awful would happen; like, someone getting into an accident, or someone getting killed..."

"Who are you?" Reverend Levey asked the person giving their confession. All he could hear was the buzzing of flies. Fearful, Levey walked to the other side of the confession booth. All that was there were too many flies to count.

click here to read The House of Bacchuss: Chapter 5: Confessions


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