Excerpt from Novel "My Megalomania at Midnight" introducing the Brother Redd© 2006, 2014 only $1.00

The Setting and Mood: News reporter                                               “Take a look at this eye of Hurricane Katrina. If I were an artist I couldn’t draw this any prettier.” A weatherman is very excited and it reminds me of a barracuda on a blood trail. He’s trying hard not to smile or be amused off of the misery of others. But hell, he can’t help but shine and why not revel in his own moment; a moment when weather forecasters are actually taken seriously. I see him also interviewing his peers who get to have all of the fun, right? They can stay and play in the rain while towns’ folk are legally ordered to evacuate. And the highways and interstates are filled up with cars moving at a snails pace, overheating and breaking down. These roads resemble a clogged up blood vein; industrialized city shock induced heart attack.

Excerpt: Brother Redd in a nasty bar  
John gets in just fine. Not me, I’m stopped by a six feet beer belly over his pants, stained tanned off white tank top wearing door man.
“Wait a minute.” He’s staring at my attire. I immediately realize I’m wearing an ACDC “Highway to Hell” t-shirt and tight leather pants, with spit shined shoes on.
“Hey boy, hey BOY; you look mighty fine in dem’ jeans.” Oh great.
“Naw, I’m just fucking with you. Go in der’ an have a good time,” he chuckles.
John quickly became a member of the residents of the land that time forgot. This is unfathomable. Rednecks are screaming, “It’s a family tradition.” They are surrounding a caged stage. A stage that had been torn apart. Apparently, the musician on the stage had ordered them to do this. That’s what I hear from two of em’ playing billiards.
“Alright! Al’ight.” He’s on the mic now. “Calm down ya’ll, we got one more for ya’ll.” That’s the living legend, Redd, and he’s on the stage. What is this about, “Boys In The Woodz’ mutha’fucka’s!” And the crowd goes as he starts with the, “These ain’t streets ya’ on boy.”

            “Woo hoo boy’z in da’ woods!” Finally, there’s John, I see him wobbling, sticking his neck out at the bar and he’s slinging his beer everywhere. This act is followed by the crowd throwing their beer around.

            Someone then pushes me from behind. Damn, it figures that some Neanderthal redneck would come and pick a fight with me in front of his sister /girl friend.
            I turn around and there is Chuck. His eyes are blood shot red and he’s got that spaced-out look. Yep, he’s high as hell. “What’s up Biag’chth!” He exclaims. Before I have a chance to interrogate, he’s got his arm, around my shoulder and he’s dragging me off to a bar.
            “Man, I met this guy.”
            “Calls himself Mr. Fame, right?” I interrupt.
            “Yea, how did you know?”

            I kept thinking about those words “Dude it’ll be super kewl.” Now I feel like the roles have been reversed. Now he’s so high that he’s all enthused about a façade of fame. So enthused that I don’t have the opportunity to get a word in about how much danger we both could be in.

Chuck’s attention is toward girls wearing daisy duke cut off shorts going up their split ends. They are seated on their construction workers shoulders, lifted their tops and exposing their bare nipples to Redd. That catches Chuck’s and my attention.

            “Woo, get the sin out your pocket!” In his authentic redneck draw-then Redd catches our eyes on him.
            “Chuck, jeeze’ sweet Loh’rd we got the best musician from the coast with us tonight.” Redd exclaims.
            “Get me a chair hot damn! Get me a chair! Hot damn! It’s time for a Baptism.”
Chuck can’t resist the temptation. Few minutes later he’s unloading some bluesy riffs over Redd’s ranting.
            We’ve both seen Redd do this act before. He sits a member from the crowd on a chair in the middle of the stage, gets em’ a shot of whiskey. Then he starts saying some of his own personal takes of Reddism (personal evangelism) over the shot to Baptize it.
Next he’ll pass a shot to his band mates. They’ll join in,
 “I here by bless this shot by the flock of Reddism.”
            “How has Reddism improved your life, honey?” he asked one of the chicks that has on a skin tight pink t-shirt.
            “It’s made me free.” Then down the hatch she takes that double shot of Absolute Vodka. Excess drips down her blouse.
            Chuck’s got that Fender Strat talking some delta blues rip off riffs-The crowd is eating out of Redd’s palm too. He looks back at Chuck like he’s gonna’ tell em’ that his time is up. But as soon as Chuck stops, a few opposing screams come from the crowd,
“Let em’ play!” spreads to the front. One of Redd’s band mates are passing around the bottle of Vodka. Chuck takes a long gulp before he belches on the microphone.
            “Well folks, this is the last un.’ Mutha’ fuckin’ East Bound Down!”
            Charles breaks into the Jerry Reed’s classic:
                                                                                    “We gonna’ do what they
                                                                                    Say can’t be done
                                                                                    Got a long way to go
 and a short time
                                                                                    To get there…”

            Saw em’ from my bar stool enter in like an old Western movie. Fist has on a full length trench coat. V-Chip has on a cheap secretary’s outfit. It is amazing to me how quick this chick molds herself. Mr. Fame has on this all white business suit. I watch V-Chip say something to Fist like, “Fist, you know.” He replies, “With pleasure.” With that he pinches one of the women on the ass who was dancing w/her construction worker husband. Before the husband has a chance to say “Let’s take it outside,” Fist hit him with an uppercut to his stomach. It took about ten seconds for a bar room brawl to start. In the diversion, V-Chip walks up to the bartender, puts a 45 automatic pistol in his mouth and demands to get the money that Redd is getting tonight for the gig. The poor bastard replies that it’s all in a large jar on the stage. Then V-Chip boldly goes on stage. Redd stood in her way; so she kicks him in the nuts. And when he’s hunched over she hits him in the back of the head with the pistol. The whole move took about five seconds. Then she whispers in his ear, “If ya’ gots’ the ballz’ redneck, meet us in Midnight Mississippi in twenty four hours. We won’t be hard to find.”

Excerpt: The Pursuit

 a Buddha shaped man sits in the back room of a country bar in the middle of no where. He’s surrounded by his band mates: Catfish(solo guitarist), Abnormal Norm (bassist) and Simmy(drums).

            “GOD DAMN’T SOMEBODY’S GOT TO PAY! WHERE’S MY FUCKING REVOLVER?! WHERE’S MY WHISKEY?!” Catfish, resembles a short fatter greasier version of Antonia Banderas, passes an unopened bottle of Jack Daniels. Redd takes several huge gulps, as if it’s only water. Then he lets out a sigh and bellows, “Yea we gonna’ get the Flock on their ass.” Now that he’s calm, he takes his cell phone out of the inside pocket of his apple red sports coat.
            Redd keeps the conversation short and sweet, “Round dem’ boyz’ up. Bizz’ness’ bout to pick up. Gonna’ be a showdown at Mid Night.” He does this type of instruction on twenty more calls.
A few minutes later, after a little bit of meaningless laughter due to smoking some back woods creeper weed, he’s loading his 357 revolver and dropping every other round. Thuds and sharp scratching sounds echo as the rounds hit the off set off white tile floor. 

The self-proclaimed living legend, Redd is leading the pack. Now about five automobiles are following him while he drives his off white eight cylinder 1984 Ford truck, he refers to it as “the silver bullet.” He’s keeping in constant communication via CB radio. He’s got Hank Williams Jr. “A Country Boy Can Survive” playing loudly in his tape deck, turning up his whiskey. It’ll be another ten minutes and he’ll have to pull over to shake off his double vision and to check with Abnormal Norm to ensure that he’s headed in the correct direction. Also he has to wait on the last member of his entourage, PLUMBER PAT.
            Plumber Pat and Redd became real good buds in high school. Pat grows  his own home grown creeper weed up in Saucier and does plumbing work on the side. Indeed, there are places in Mississippi that no man, woman, or child should ever travel through. Mr. Plumber lives down a road that has junk all lying around. It very much resembles a land fill, with Pit bulls propped every fifty yards. It’s rumored that a policeman got killed down there when Pat gotta’ hold of him and fed him to his dawgs’ (dogs). No one came looking for him either. Pat stands a lil’ over six feet and weighs bout’ three hundred and forty pounds, purely a nasty son of a bitch.
Brother Redd and his entourage made a pit stop at a greasy coffee house. The staff was just about to go home. They’re using the weathering prophecy of doom as an excuse. But due to the fact that twenty people had just shown up; or perhaps it was the fact that each of them offered a ten dollar tip they were encouraged to stay open.
            Redd sits in the middle of the table; like this is a redneck version of the Last Supper with pots of coffee coming in a steady stream he didn’t even care to hide his Holy water in his flask. He takes it out from his inside jacket pocket. “Imma’ get that stoopid’ bitch and her goons!” Because of his drunkenness he had to be driven here so he wouldn’t get lost or get into a wreck.
His name is Bruno. It wasn’t the fact that Bruno didn’t like to party, oh no, it’s the fact he knows exactly who V-Chip is. And he also knows how much of a profit could be turned from this fiasco. He figures she is up to a major power move.
            Bruno gave Redd his prowess one day while they were drinking one too many and snorting that country cocaine “grits” at a house party. Bruno, being a famous guitarist around town, started putting a couple power chords together and Redd was spouting off what ever came to his mind. Wasn’t too long after that when Bruno put together Redd’s line up; at first it didn’t fly because it was the wrong scene; it was a crowd of college kids looking for some bubble gum pop remedy. But when Redd found his niche, in hole in the wall dank red neck bars, it didn’t take him long to build up a fan base of two or three hundred on the coast. Then it spread and the self proclaimed “Living Legend” spread to more towns east, west, and north. Got his own website and started promoting CD’s underground.
Bruno sat on the good side of Redd. On his Judas side sat this cat Bowers. Bowers found his way in the music game by being a fan of what ever was playing on the local scene. Then he started cutting riffs and rearranging party tunes with a fake white boy trying to be gangster façade. Examples are his version of “Gin and Juice” and “The Humpty Dance” and the crowd, most of the time, would see through the fakeness. To save the poor boy, Redd would grab the mic and Bowers would resume playing his bongos.
At the other end of the table was Plumber Pat, he intimidated the whole staff just to ensure the cops wouldn’t be involved. The other members around the table were from his band and die hard fans.

Bruno unfolds the map and he’s explaining where they are exactly; yet every one knows this is a town that might as well not have a name. It’s like so many other towns in Mississippi (“MISSIMEMISSIFREE”) called Dedeaux Town, Ladner Town, or Smith Town, cuzz’ that’s all that lives there and that’s the way the towns prefer to be.http://www.amazon.com/Megalomania-Mississippi-Fantasies-Disasters-Hurricane-ebook/dp/B00CTD2NNI


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