Byrning Notes XXXV © 2015 By the Time I get to Clarksdale

I was sent home from the school i was student teaching at. see

Went to Charles’ house. He was living with his sister. He could always calm me down. We worked more on the web site he had started in the mid 90’s multidementional.

A week later I was reassigned to Long Beach High School. I did Inclusion and also Self-Contained teaching there.

My final semester I was assigned to Ocean Springs Junior High. During that semester I finished my assignments in The Artist Way, and finished writing 2to1. started on a 100 days of promotion. I sent my story, stories, to a different publisher everyday for a hundred days through the internet. Many days I sent off to three to five at a time till I reached 100. That took about a month. It was very disorganized. I ignored the criteria involved, like sending a query letter first, and sending proper subject oriented material to presses. I wonder if I did more harm than good. Probably not, because publishers receive thousands of submissions every month. Thus how could they remember me? One thing I did accomplish was getting Dee Rimbaud of Scotland to add multidementional to his website links. Charles was pleased. I had to prove Charles wrong when he had told me that having a web site was like having a mail box-Who would send you mail?

On Friday the 13th, May 2005, I went to the Payne Center (USM Hattiesburg gym) to work out for what I thought would be the last time. I hit the weights for about three hours before I went to my graduation from the University of Southern Mississippi.

David’s sister, my mother and step father, my father and step mother, and my sister brought my two nephews, niece, and my best friend Charles, all came. I was somewhat proud of this accomplishment that I had done on my own. It had been a long ordeal. I had started college in the Fall of 1993. I’d go a semester, do alright then the next I would fail miserably. I was more so fearful of being a failure. Didn’t want to live with my grandmother or parent without a job-without a future.

Charles by my request drove me up Highway 61 all the way to Clarksdale. He had introduced me to the music of Robert Johnson Johnson alledgedly sold his soul to play the guitar and be famous. He showed me the Ralph Macchio starring movie Crossroads
Charles would tell me stories of Johnson coming to play gigs in three piece suits while other bluesmen were dressed raggedly. We drove through Midnight Mississippi. Thus a story started building slowly in my mind. A work that later became My Megalomania At Midnight. We visited Ground Zero Blues Club, in Clarksdale, and spent the afternoon playing pool. On the following morning, we visited the Blues Museum. exhibits were really kewl. The one of Muddy Waters really captivated me. ZZ Top’s Frank Beard brought his cabin from Stoval. The mannequin of Waters was so life like. Then we spent another afternoon at Ground Zero listening to the local Blues acts.

That night we spent the night in an Indian owned hotel in Yazoo City. My ex called me. Under advisement of a dear friend in AA, Uncle Blame, I wrote a break up letter to her. This was the only way I could get over being obsessed over her. Me being obsessed over lovers played a very big part in my life, and continue to play a big role in my life. I am grateful to my Loh’Rd for making this pattern apparent to me years later. It was very empowering to me for her to call me. The Rolling Stones have a song “Underneath My Thumb” Under my thumb
The girl who once had me down
Under my thumb
The girl who once pushed me around
It's down to me
The difference in the clothes she wears
Down to me, the change has come,
She's under my thumb
Ain't it the truth babe?

We left Clarksdale with Charles playing some of his own songs on my Krammer electric guitar through my amp that plugged into my cigarette lighter port.  These were songs that were on his album Everyone Knows Everything. was very adamantly passionate talking about how the entities of the New World Order, like Pepsi and Coca Cola
owned restaurants, the Holiday Inns, the Starbucks Coffee and the Viacom television corporate entities were brainwashing us into a way of life. Yet when we got deeper and deeper into the Delta flatlands he changed his mind.

I took pictures from a disposable camera I bought at Fred’s. There’s a picture of the road that I still think Charles took. He says that I snapped the picture.

I filled out job applications all along the Coast in June and July. Many days I went to 24th Avenue AA dressed in a suit and tie. I had four custom made while I was in Korea. I was either on my way to a job interview, or coming back from a job interview.

Late July, I was hired by the Pascagoula School District; at one of their middle schools. My work there was very disastrous. All the things I learned in college I forgot, as my instincts took over. I did my best of trying to scare kids into doing the right thing. The assignment given to me was to review the student handbook with the students. I was teaching my own lesson. It was to look up certain words in a dictionary. My supervisor came in there watching me foul up. She even told one of my students to shut up. From the beginning she shared with me her dismay for me having the job that she wanted. The job she had last school year.

In the meantime at the AA meeting there was this chick that kept on flirting with me. One fateful day she invited me to her parent’s house. Her parents were at work when she put it on me. Told myself I was in love. couple weeks later, she picked up her year chip. Thus making her assessable by AA standards of DON’T DATE A NEW COMER.
Wanted it to be love so bad. There were some red flags I should have heeded. Red flags that I overlooked. Red flags like she was not divorced from her husband, they were friends. Also she was 20 something years of age and living with her parents. I never really knew how old she was.  She had gaps in her history. 


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