Byrning notes XXXVII (Fired, and heartbroken) © 2015

I missed her tremendously. She had left with her mother and father to Asheville North Carolina. Their house, Discovery Bay in Pass Christian, had been destroyed by Katrina. And I just had to see her. 20 something September I went to Asheville North Carolina. Stayed there about a week around the mountains. They were living with her father’s mother in a big two story house in the mountains. We went to a couple family functions. I felt like an outsider. Couldn’t get passed that feeling that I was just some sort of fling.

Went back to teaching around early October. One day I saw a teacher in the front office crying. She was swearing “F*^* this bull sh%*.” Didn't take long for me to be in one of the vice-principal’s office being told of how awful of a teacher I was. They emphasized for me to resign. If you fight it we’ll make your life very uncomfortable. They gave me the resignation form. Had to bring it back the following morning. I was devastated.

Called my former supervisor from USM. She called the principal. Next morning when I came into his office he offered me a teacher’s assistant job. I declined. Didn’t want to teach ever again. I mumbled, “God’s will be done,” several times a day.

Kept sober by going to meetings, calling my new sponsor two to three times a day. I was also sponsoring a couple of people.

My supervisor recommended that I go to a teacher’s remediation course in Hattiesburg USM.

Days later, I was offered a job after the 24th avenue noon meeting. He was a childhood friend of mine. He hird four of us from that meeting. The job was to gut out and re-build two houses that were owned by his parewnts. These homes were destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.

I missed her so much. Had to get my fix by calling her at least twice a day.


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