prequel part 3 Is there a Killer Gene? (House of Bachuss (Baghck-oooze) excerpt (C) 2018


HH Helms first day. After being told about the history, and watching the residents on a monitor, he was put in the file room alone with the instructions to read all the residents files. He was also warned, “Do not talk about this to anyone! OR ELSE…”

He evidently got to the wrong drawer. Found Dana Keves’ folder and now the dreadful scene was playing in his mind. It was World News back in the late 1990’s of the Cult leader Dan Keeves.

The FBI had been at a stand off for many weeks with his cult “Harvest Moon.’. They had taken away their electricity. After losing two agents, and going through three negotiator’s talks, they had enough. They warned Keeves to come out with his church members. When they didn’t get a reply in twenty hours the FBI threw in smoke bombs.

This must be what hell is like.” She thought to herself as she was  running desperately looking for a window. a door, anything. She heard her friends and relatives screaming, coughing, and crying but couldn’t see them through the smoke and flames. From seemingly out of nowhere Dan grabbed his daughter’s hand, “Go to the water, my beautiful sheep. It will save you.”  He pointed down to  steel steps. Then from above part of the ceiling with things ablaze on the upper floor fell down on him.

The steel stairs led to a sublevel of one of the Church service areas. There was a Baptizing room that was totally enclosed in thick steel down there.

She was found three days later inside of it.. She was never reported to be alive by the FBI, and other authorities, because they wanted her to have an opportunity for a normal life. According to what everyone knew there were no children survivors.

He also was told to have a therapy group. Something he had never done before.
He wanted the worker with him to take over. Yet, he was afraid to seem incompetent. This was his second day.
“‘You gonna die down here,’ my father told me as he wouldn’t stop hitting me. Had his knees pinning my arms to the ground,” the resident was getting teary eyed. This anger management session had gotten out of hand quickly when Helm’s asked for volunteers to tell the group what had happened to them to make them so angry.
“Okay. Okay, that’s enough,” Helms demanded. Helm’s was feeling heat in his face. The pressure was rising. He need a pill now. He’d been through this too many times. He worried he would actually do it one day. His blood lust was back. His imagination was getting the best of him.

 What he didn’t know was that he was feeding off of the house’s and the residence’s anger.

He wanted the worker with him to take over. Yet, he was afraid to seem incompetent. This was his second day.

“Hey I wanna know what the rich boy is doing here,” one the residence stated looking angry at Narcissus. From his peripheral vision he could see the staff workers arms crossed. The worker yawned. Helm’s had never been in this situation before.

From the rafters, the ghost named, Celeste began to laugh. She would teach them about anger management. She looked at the whiteboard. Flames shot out of her eyes and the board began to catch fire. The gym area  fills with smoke and the sprinkler system was activated, dousing everyone with ice cold water. Helms and the other techs herded the residents out.

“Shit!” Helms said out loud. This would be a lot of paperwork and the inevitable investigation. He made a mental note to make a visit to the liquor store down the street after his shift ended.

In the soot filled room, there was only Celeste. She was enjoying the fun that she had created. For a change, she had made her presence known, it felt good to exert her power. She skipped and played hopscotch in the puddles on the floor that the sprinkler system had created. She looked at the melted whiteboard and sighed.

He sat in front of the desk. Felicia was going through paperwork. All sorts of thoughts were going through his head. Surely, he wouldn’t get fired his second day. If he did would they take the bonus back? What would his woman at home say. How did the fire start? What had he gotten himself into? Helm’s just looked down. Felicia finished her work. Set it on her desk in a neat pile. Raised her head. Just stared scrutinizing Helms. Helm’s thought to himself, “She knows about me. I need to kill her. But how would I get away with it?” It had been about three hours since he took his last dose.
“So is there something you wanted to see me about?” Helms asked.
“Yes.” Felicia answered not breaking her stare.
“Okay?” Helms could now see the image so lucidly in his mind. Maybe he could kill her and make it look like one of the residents in Anger Management did it.
“Go in the file room fifteen minutes before your shift and fifteen minutes after your shift to study as much as you can. That’s all. Come in tomorrow. You’ll be working the night shift. You can go now.” she finally said.
Helms let out a sigh of relief and quickly stood to his feet to walk out the door.
“Oh and Howard.”
“Yes Mam?”
“You did a great job today.”
“Thank you mam.”
“One more thing.”
“I need a piece of your hair for a drug test...”

Helms and his girlfriend lived in a house that her father had built for her. Not him. As her father liked to mention constantly. Just five minutes from the city. Deep enough in the swamp for privacy. A bridge over a patch of swamp. The driveway was ten feet up. The house itself was twenty feet up. All of it on stilts of steel rods blanketed by concrete. Had a small yard in the back along the river bank. Had storm proof sliding glass doors on the sides. Had an outside walkway around the house. Had five bedrooms, two bathrooms, a sun room, a den and a kitchen. She kept everything super clean, and organized. Had the colors of the walls, the drapes and bed covers color coordinated. Had hardwood floors. They had large plasma screens in every room They had a pit bull named Luci. Helms had named her that. Joked around at the most inappropriate times that Luci was short for lucifer. Luci was loving toward them but fierce around strangers.
“So how did the day go?” She asked at Supper.
“I found a job today.” He replied finally telling her.
“Have you been drinking?” She asked.

His drinking would get the best of him....


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