The Notes Byrning XLII ( © 2015 "Someplace to Go. Where?)

Started recording my own songs. Remember putting the mic into the head phone jack by accident and my laptop died. I was recording a song “Someplace to go” that a band I was in created-Dead Losers (Credence Cadavers). We never left the trailer park. Told Charles about it, “Dude, you need to go to the Blues Museum and learn ‘The Blues.’” Indeed, it was very humbling bringing my Krammer that I bought in Korea, 1999. Kids from eight to eighteen years old played Blues rhythms like second nature. Couldn’t even tune my guitar. Richard “Daddy Rich” Christman and Bill “Howling Mad” Perry were the instructors (links) It costs me $2.00 a month. Children went for free. They were taught to play the Blues, then they were showcased at the open mic Thursday nights at The Ground Zero Blues Club Blues legend John Billington  had a great part in creating this system. I’d try my best to  keep up with the kids. Perry shut me down quick because I’d destract them jamming horribly. It was like an annoying splinter when I’d play. I’d continue to create my own songs in my apartment, with a new labtop, using Cubase link) that Charles had given me.

School started and it was a blessing indeed. I had one Inclusion class, and three classes that I helped students with class work. I was very grateful. Because of this gratitude I worked very diligently. I was not going to have any of the students on my case load fail. None of them did. I’d make it a personal conquest for them to pass. I would chase down teachers, chase down students and harass folks. Felt pride to know, “I did that.”

I finished My Megalomania at Midnight. it off to publishers. Peaked an interest with Joe Taylor a college press. No go, the deal fell through.

Got me another sponsor. He had 25 years sober. He came from the old days of AA. If I would ramble on and on at meetings he’d cut me off. If a new comer came he’d tell them to be quiet. If people came in identifying themselves as addicts or Al-anon he’d have them leave.

My new girl was coming on strong. I couldn’t love her as she deserved. Still was obsessed over my last one. She lived with her mother. When I’d hang there so many times I thought to myself, “Is this what my life has come to hanging out with a girl and her ma.” I wasn’t taking my crazy pills like I should have. I was scared to pay all that money.

She helped me so much. Got me on stage during The Tennessee Williams Festival to perform boxer play with well known actors from New York. I met famous folks through her locally and internationally. Notably, Morgan Freeman, Robert Plant, Supah Chicken, Charlie Musselwhite. remember once I messed up my back lifting, she found me a chiropractor. She took me to all sorts of Blues concerts.

The 2008-2009 school year came with a relentless fury. The Mississippi Department of Education passed a law that all Special Education students will be mainstreamed into the regular classrooms. Students that had been in Sped classes since elementary school were now isolated. They couldn’t learn the same way. They didn’t want to look less smarter than they peers. Therefore, these students started misbehaving. These kids became the teacher’s worst nightmare. It caused a riff between the regular and special education teachers. There was also a new Superintendent who did not support some of the things the principal did. The principal, was a strict disciplinarian. The kids were becoming worse in their behaviors. For example, many teachers would tell students to pull pants up only to get all sorts of f words and profanities from the student. Unfortunately, if the parent was contacted about misbehavior they acted worse than their child.

A new teacher and I were responsible for most of the new sped students. We were responsible for ensuring that they were given every opportunity to succeed. This included much paperwork. The state very much frowned on sped students failing.

I had finally gotten over my ex completely. Was extremely hard to forget her telephone number. My current relationship was going bad. There came a time, as does happen in these kind of things, “I don’t think we can be together anymore.” I didn’t think it would bother me.

Creatively, I had put a couple videos on myspace. The first one was I was gaining momentum.

One evening after my AA meeting I started freaking out. I couldn’t seem to play my guitar. I couldn’t seem to write either. Started thinking that entities were coming for me. Entities that I had created in my stories. I had been working on ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Simile or Something like it The story takes place during the time of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. There is a relic, that is related to The Call of Cthulhu Mythos by HP Lovecraft, which it’s seeking affects the lives drastically of those who seek the relic.

Got overwhelmed at school. My supervisor scorned me horribly for mistakes I made on my paperwork. I got very scared. Seemed like I was back, emotionally, in Hurricane Katrina, loss of my first teaching job, and all the death I saw in the US Army. Started crying for days at a time. My sponsor and counselor from AA took me to Parkwood for Suicidal Ideations. 


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