100 Love Letters I'll Never Send (tripping over the 13th Step) "Crossing the Threshold of Doubts and Dreams" (c) 2017

After finally getting passed that girl I held onto for so long, too long, I decided it was time for me to get back into the dating game. I figured I'd get with a girl in an AA meeting. ...she made it too easy.

“This is an opportunity that God is giving me. I better take it. But that was me making something out of nothing…”

 I continued to ignore what they said. I got up out of my chair and walked slowly. Like God had pressed the slow mo on this vcr tape called life.

“…they told me. Everyone told me it was a bad idea. I did it anyway. Thought they just didn’t want me to be happy...”

“…she changed once we got married. She did things that I use to say were the reason. She drove me to drink…”

…and I opened the door to the ‘halfway measures room’ and stepped across The Threshold of Doubts and Dreams. That knot in the stomach. I'm being warned? Naw that's just me making up lies so I don't take a chance and get hurt.

She saw me and sat on the couch. Had an ear to ear grin. "Hey Jon." 
An ear to ear grin. Like a car salesman maybe? Like a psychic vampire to lure you in and suck away your hopes and dreams? More lies I tell myself so I don't take a chance and get hurt? So what?
I chuckle as a Hall and Oats song comes to mind "Man Eater" click to hear song. Play Listen to it while you read.

This old man, they call him 'Fast Eddie,' is behind the coffee counter. I look at him for any sort of guidance. He shrugs his shoulders.  
"Thanks Ed." I mutter to myself. I pour myself a cup of coffee.
I look at her. Time to play it cool,

 "Hey girl you want some coffee?"

Then I sat down by her. Hand her a cup of coffee.

"Sooh uh. How are you doing?"

"I'm good. Been having my eyes on you for a while."

"Oh yea." But if they want you first. Once they get you they'll throw you away for something else.

"We should hang out sometime." Seemingly she senses my doubts; or am I being neurotic?

Time to be brave, "How bout tomorrow?"

"Sure come by my house at 2 pm." Damn that was easy too easy. She writes her address down on a napkin. I look back at Fast Eddie. He nods his head and chuckles a bit. Then smiles.

"Okay I 'll see you then uh uh..."

"My name is Carmelita. My parents named me after the song. Kinda."

 "Except with a K. I'll see you then."


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