...The overbearing parent verses the parent not being there. I ask you, "Which is worse?"

...and in the meantime while waiting to make enough money off of my creative endeavors I work teaching at a residential treatment facility. Today I was in a therapy group that writes poetry. We were watching "The Dead Poets Society." I remembered a tale from another life. A middle class white family went and saw the movie "The Dead Poets Society" in the theaters. I remember a huge family fight after the movie. Then I remember the mother telling her son "I fear we're like that family in the movie." The overbearing parent verses the parent not being there. I ask you, "Which is worse?" It also reminded me of the PMRC banning music and the inevitable Freedom Of Speech controversy. My father tried to stop me from listening to certain music. John Denver stood up for the raw musicians who described violence and used much profanity. Years later, are kids killing one another after listening to violent music? Free will is such a intertwining path to spirituality...


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