100 Love Letters I'll Never Send ( It's easier remembering how it wasn't than remembering how it was) (c) 2017

(c) 2017

Dear Lovc,

It's easier remembering how it wasn't than remembering how it was. No cigarettes, alcohol, drugs; no buzz can change that past.  Their life has moved on while I remained trapped in my own prison of living in lies. Gave up on God because I had too many unanswered prayers. I went to other sources. Built what I thought were protective layers. In vain attempts I was trying to make the lies true. That gave enough room to let that devil in.

                                                                                                               Sincerely yours (I hope)


It is my hope that all broken hearts be freed :)

It's easier remembering how it wasn't than remembering how it was.

In telling others how awful you treated me and how good I treated you I can have others feel pity for me. I believe inevitably, I will continue the same mistakes if I refused to see my part in our relationship. In all honesty we had many great moments. 

 No cigarettes, alcohol, drugs; no buzz can change that past.  Their life has moved on.

There was never enough drunks and highs to change the way I felt. I would feel worse. The only thing that saved me was time and living my life. Specifically, putting myself in the same situations that I had failed in the past and doing something different. Most of the time I had learned. If I still was doing drugs/drinking I would have not learned  I would have stayed in an emotional/ spiritual hell. 

Are you like me? I remained trapped in my own prison. Living in lies. Did you give up on your God because you had too many unanswered prayers. We went to other sources. Built our own layers in vain attempts trying to make the lies true. Thus we left enough room to let that devil in.


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