"Don't Write This-Book 1" #Donald Trump intro for sale now Amazon Kindle

We worry about sleeper terrorist. What about the sleeper crazy? Like the guy who walks into a pancake house and shoots up the place when the waitress looks at him wrong. Or the guy who gets through security at the White House and opens fire yelling, “Jesus is the way!” Or the woman who goes insane after playing video games and hacks up her whole family. The crazies are out there, not in here in Whitmore.

“I MUST WARN YOU CREATIVITY HAS TWO PATHS. ONE IS RIGHTEOUS! THE OTHER IS WICKEDNESS! There will be times that you will know the path you are on. Wickedness can be so much fun; like playing with fire. Through the path of wickedness you will find righteousness. You will find this righteousness is lucid. THE CHOICE IS YOURS. FEW SEEM TO TAKE THIS PATH. Wickedness will have you believing you are God. WHAT YOU WRITE WILL MANIFEST IN YOUR REALITY…”


“You did this.” Where is this voice coming from? I can hardly breathe. “I don’t want this! You don’t have to do this!” She screams. I can hardly breathe, “It’s the man’s fault!” Is it me wearing the Donald Trump mask? “America created me! I’m the discipline people need!” Then I look at the knife. There are still spots of blood caked on it from the last ‘weak American’ killed. I search for my sanity. MY GOD HOW DID IT COME TO THIS?
We are in this house. It  is broken remnants of an American Dream. Ten, twenty years ago this could have been a photo of a house that people would dream of living in-Now ruins of the reminiscent-An American Nightmare.
“You have to face this! I am the law and order candidate! It’s you versus you! There will be no interference by the police. They’re afraid to come out here. They don’t want the publicity of some black kid coming out threatening violence. It’s time to make America great again. We set the example now for people to follow. The terrorists, the trespassers of our country will know to follow the rules.”

Three of us are in the extended den of this large family home. Mildewed hard bristled carpeted floors that crack like plastic as you step. She’s duct taped to a chair, except for her mouth. There are televisions, laptop screens, that play different footage of Donald Trump’s campaign and its controversies.
“They tried to make us afraid to speak out against what was wrong. Now we can stand United against what is wrong!” How can I reverse this? The screen is recording him with a knife to her throat in a live stream. Showing it all on a projector that plays on the wall in front of us. I am looking for answers from the screens surrounding us.

“…politicians speculate that the string of murders done by criminals wearing Donald Trump mask is an attempt by extremist democrats to stop Trump.” I targeted a specific group and didn’t even realize it: Mexicans, women, Muslim, and blacks.

“You took a lot of time to put this all together…” “It’s all for you Stephen!”
“No I couldn’t have done all of this.”

He glances at all the screens and starts saying parts of Trump’s speeches. His voice sounds just like Trumps.

“Please let me go,” Jessica cries. “Shut up you pig!” He scorns. Then he gags her mouth with a small American flag. He smiles and my attention goes to one of the other screens. “…would you be saying it was Hillary’s fault if the killers were wearing Hillary Clinton mask?”
“Hillary Clinton hasn’t said the hateful things like Trump has!”
“Gentlemen, we need to quit arguing this.”

He waited till everyone was gone, around 1:15 am. “According to reports he did it because he thought he could consume his soul during the witching hour, from 2 to 3 am. He referred to his heinous act of violence as his way of making America Great Again.” “It’s a not very well known by the masses that the US government gives money to muslims to come to our country.” “They rape our communities. They sell bath salts, cheap alcohol... they are causing our communities to die,” the news reporters argue back and forth. Then they talk about the picture of the suspect, wearing a Donald Trump mask, holding the muslim store owners head in his hand just like isis.

Another screen plays reporters arguing, “What about the Mexican nanny poisoning a whole family.”

“You see now?” he turns his head and stares at me and continues, “Even if we don’t win we win.” Jessica’s whines are muffled. “We don’t need her then. Let her go,” I try to bargain.
“Women are filthy pigs. No because they all know it was you. This is what you wanted. The riches and the fame.” He’s delusional. I look at us on the projector screens. This is all on a live stream. I have to be careful what I say and do. I’ve already, I am quite sure, I have incriminated myself. My job is gone. I am probably going to spend the rest of my life in prison. I try to think of ways to attack him. “Don’t even think about it!” He places the blade to her cheek and presses just enough to barely cut her. The next one will leave a scar. Everytime she looks in a mirror she will remember how you hurt her. IF SHE LIVES!” I am shocked, his voice sounds just like Trump’s. It shouldn’t take long. I hope, for the live feed to get to authorities. Maybe I can buy us some time. “This isn’t making America great again,” I tell him sternly. He looks at me with his head tilted. I continue, “This is not how Trump wants it. This is not the way I wrote it. You’re a bigger victim than the ones you have murdered. Corruption ignored, policies that divided us. All of it left a vacuum.that you courageously filled. I wrote the book just for entertainment. You need help let me help you. Once you get help I can represent you fairly in a book that I will write. The masses are reading what I write because of you. Imagine the things we can make right again. On an insanity plea we can get you free. Thank you for all that you have done to make America great again.” I extend my right hand to shake his. Jessica looks at me. Then at him. Her tears stream down her face. “Put the knife down and shake my hand.”
“LIES LIES LIES! LYING TED!” Comes from ten of the screens. I see the anger in his eyes from behind the Donald Trump mask. He thrust the knife downward. I barely got my hand out of the way. I start running. He follows. This is good. Gets him away from Jessica. I run as fast as I can into one of the screen walls. Screens go crashing to the ground. I brace myself. Fortunately, a couple huge flat screens shield me. Screens are in shards on the floor. The shards still have Trumps footage playing.
__________________________End of prologue


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