Byrning Notes © 2015 LVIII (Meanings Behind My lyrics for "Where's My Groupie?")

At first  it was all about me vs. the world. If they didn’t like what I was doing F.-em’. Now it’s more for the crowd. I’m going into places where musicians have been playing for decades. I’m off and on with my playing. They’re more consitent. I better give the crowd as much musicianship as I can. That means practicing an hour to two hours for days just to rock out a five minute song. 

“Blues is when you make more money being unemployed than working”
Some say that the government works at keeping families separated. Probably, just the effect of some laws that had ‘good intentions.’ A single mother can receive more money being single than they can if they were married. There is also a payoff in adopting children (something like a grand per child. There are many good parents who adopt and love and nurture their children. Why are only bad examples the only ones we remember? Single parents can also make more money if their child has a disability. In effect, a single mother with five adopted children can earn $5,000. a month or more raising five children. You add food stamps, and low rental housing. What incentive do they have to work? Minimum wage is equivalent to maybe $1,200. a month. We’re on third and fourth generations of these ‘good intentions.’ Some say when these families move into neighborhoods the property value goes down and crime goes up. Whites get terrified-pull their kids out of the public schools. Put em’ in private academies-the Great White Plight.

Some entity, has an idea, “Let’s make guns legal. Have folks live in fear and anger. When lose their identity our Evil Lord will be ushered in.”-or some s%#t like that.

 Kids having kids. When dey at home they raise their children and their younger siblings. Their single mother is usually working. These kids come to school. Have to get back to a child’s role.

All star athletes make it out. Per that 1 there are 50 who don’t. Entertainers make it out (Rappers, Country, Blues, and Rockers). The odds of making it are staggering due to this information age of “Everyone Knows Everything.”-more make it out by building a fanbase on their own without a record deal. I’ve noticed when I ask kids what they want to do when they grow up they say, “Musician.” “Dancer.” “Ballplayer.”

Got kids on ‘create your own music’ sites mixing together samples in seconds. They really think they are doing something.

                                                Spawns Of Corruption:
…and glorifying violence, “Blues is when kids are raised by video games. Pop pop pop 15 minutes of fame.” Over the years of teaching there have been at least 20 kids that I have personally taught that are either incarcerated or dead.-Damn, hope I can save someone.


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