Continued writing online through Triond,my works and on Expert Colums my works . Expert Columns seemed to get me the most views. Pay off, like many other online sites that promote artist, pay very low. Something like,$1.00 per thousand views-youtube. Yahoo Voices paid the most with different pay rates per assignment. I was still very inspired by super heroes.

Charles called me, “Hey dude you gotta’ check out Kindle. You can self-publish. This girl, Hockings, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6r-V-MTvaV8is an Amazon Kindle millionaire from writing vampire novels.”                                      

 “Thanks, sounds great. How do I do it?”                                     

Charles took me step by step through downloading Amazon Kindle. Thus came, my first e-book, Can A Woman Make A Man Lose His Mind? PURCHASE HERE The title was derived from the Public Enemy song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyWc5DbdDFM

In this piece I was purging myself, hopefully, all of the angst in my past romantic relationships. In my past there was an internal struggle of who I wanted to be and there was a compromising of my identity to fall for that girl. Thus I archetyped a common theme. A them that was used in the comics. Two examples are Superman II movie link and Batman RIP link. The being tired of saving the world feels the urge to settle down and live happily ever after. All is wonderful until…

One day I was at my cousin and her husbands house, they’re more like my aunt and uncle, crying over that woman. Called my father. He didn’t know what to do. Or did he instruct them on what to do with me? At their house there is a table that has a mermaid holding up the glass base. I took a photo staring eye to eye with the mermaid’s face-that is the book Can A Woman Make A Man Lose His Mind?http://www.amazon.com/WOMAN-MAKE-LOSE-MIND-Book-ebook/dp/B00887JTKY

 Over the years in the anonymous rooms I have heard many times relapses from those “I love you forever but don’t call me again.”-not a good thing. Recovery is about living life on life’s terms-much of “on life’s terms” is how we handle rejection. It has been my experience that folks who relapse because of romance gone awry act like children because they have not learned a better way.

My main character, Johnny Walker Knight decides to leave his fighting crime behind. He leaves it behind when he asked to use his powers to aid an extreme white supremacist group.

He soon there after then falls for the beautiful Laurine Rose. This further inclines him to leave the world of fighting crime. I adopted this from the synopsis of Superman 2 movie http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0081573/

On the outside everything appears perfect. The honey moon stage that seems to have last seemingly forever, that’s only a couple of months. Of course, it’s always easier to blame the ex for all the misery; two to tango. How I reacted was totally absurd. I placed myself in that position to get hurt.

By myself, my hatred and fear made me weak. Put all those items in my closet from those relationships: the cards, the letters, clothing, and cute stuffed animals. Couldn’t face it.

Through a bizarre chain of events Johnny Walker Knight is poisoned by a powerful hallucinogenic drug-I was inspired by the synopsis in Captain America’s Streets of Poisonhttp://www.goodreads.com/book/show/487281.Captain_America

Surely, I’d be famous in five minutes. Can A Woman Make A Man Lose His Mind? has universal themes that both men and women can relate to. Spent hours studying youtube vids, did a facebook promo, a youtube promo, twiter, etc etc. Thought that since my view count was so high on Expert Columns & Triond I’d make it. No avail. Charles kept me motivated by his words of encouragement. 


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