Byrning Notes LV (It’s a game of stats-like the only thing keeping me from attaining my goals are a buncha’ zeroes.) © 2015

“Charles…He’s dead.” 

That was the thirteenth phone call that woke me up. My sister was crying.

“Is this some kind of sick joke?”

Minutes later, two other mutual friends called confirming. Got about three hours of sleep before going to work. My eyes were blood shot. It was very challenging to hold back the tears. Vance demanded that I talk to the assistant principal. Tears formed in her eyes as I explained. Mingus was very supportive. They offered to give me money for the trip.

                        …missing information…

After the funeral, a group of us met at the Irish Coast bar. My sleep deprivation, chain smoking, and enough coffee to kill a small animal had me thinking that Charles was with me. I walked on their stage, “One day, Imma’ play my guitar here.” The Irish Coast Pub

The day of the funeral the weather was around 70.

2 am, the Witching Hour, came. That’s when hell froze over. I was supposed to fly back to Arizona the following day. I could not because the freezing rain made the roads too slick.

There were some loose ends I felt Charles would want me to tend. One of these loose ends was his estranged girl friend. She felt guilty. She had missed a phone call from him a couple of hours before he died. I knew the road she lived on. Vaguely, remembered where the house was. Charles and I went there to visit years ago. I found the house as if years ago was yesterday. Her father came to the door. My presence refused to be denied. She came to the door, “Let’s take a ride.” The winds had a fierce chill. Went up and down the spine, “If you have anything you wish to tell Charles say it now.”

“I knew I couldn’t be there. I had too many health problems.”

                                    …missing text…

Made my way back to Arizona a week later. I was very emotional. Mind was fragile with thoughts, “What did she mean by saying that? The supervisor didn’t say ‘hi’ to me. They about to fire me. My assistant, Vance, was in the hallway talking to my supervisor. They’re conspiring against me.”

Fortunately, I’ve prayed to my Loh’Rd, applied the steps of recovery to these thoughts, take my crazy pills, so I didn’t relapse. It’s the emotional/spiritual toll from Charles death. A twisted way of dealing with grief. “John you gotta’ keep it together. These girls need stability,” the assistant principal pulled me to the side. It has always been a problem being so fragile. Got me kicked out of college ROTC, probably contributed to me getting fired from my first teaching job, and it contributes to me seemingly being unable to be in relationships romantically with women / with anyone.

Stayed focused on going to Los Angeles by performing at Cuppers, working out, practicing, going to meetings, and talking to my sponsor. Also continued writing Going Educational-that was so difficult because Charles is a major influence in it.

Did performances.Link  Couldn’t decide on which song I would play. When I got vacation time, from March 23 to March 30, I decided to let my emotions dictate after much prayer.

Tribal Café had very neat murals. Had an inside restaurant. There was a help wanted sign for promoters to bring in more acts. One of the guys hanging out was asked to be the host. There were only a few of us. I went first with, “Where’s My Groupie?” That song has the most hooks. Also felt like that was one of Charles’ favorites. He did the country style riffs on my best video of the song. Link The other performers were stand up comics. I had built myself up to face a huge crowd. No one was there but the performers. This could’ve been a bar anywhere. I had the most challenges in the Mississippi Delta. Yet what did I expect during a week day. There seems to be, by my guestimation, thousands of us artist seeking the lime light. If I was to go all out and move here, depend on my performances that paid to make my living, how long would it take? Do performances by busking (playing on the streets for tips), open mics, sell my cds, just to get a paid sense of approval. How many have died waiting on that big break. Realistic optimism: all of us entertainers have at least one person that loves us. And from that one many others could come. It’s a game of stats-like the only thing keeping me from attaining my goals are a buncha’ zeroes. $100. to a $1,000., $10,000 to a $100,000. (couldn’t even fathom), $100,000. to $1,000,000.

Spent the next day in Griffith Park trying to get as close as I could to that Hollywood sign for a selfie. Almost went as far as jumping the ‘Trespassers will be prosecuted’ sign-didn’t think that would be to good for my teaching career. Went inside the observatory. Took much film and photos. Much of which I haven’t put out. Yet. I didn’t have the technology that I have now. The photos I did take I added to my facebook album “Things I See On My Way To Work.”-it was very popular. Link once again the idea, “Live life to the fullest. Gotta’ make my recovery mean more than my High and Drunken Days.

The next joint was Cahuenga Department Store. Felt like the right place to be by the signs on the building next door (The Acting Corps),

“If not now. When?”


Still haven’t included all the footage yet. That one was a bit challenging. Was about a hundred folks there. And the host had us all draw numbers. Waited about an hour and a half. Told him I came from Clarksdale, birth place of the Blues. “Oh yea. Where’s that?”
“Bout an hour south of Oxford.” Saw him reading. Assumed he was well read. Surely, he had heard of Faulkner. “Oh yea, Oxford. I was there around 68. saw on this tent wall all sorts of racist things about African Americans. I really knew what Dylan meant by his song ‘Oxford Town.’”

“We have a poet in the house. Please welcome Hoe’kneee’aww’ Bie’reeen.” I was  the only poet there among more stand up comedians.  live performance in Hollywood


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