Notes Byrne LI ( Negative behaviors are manipulated. Positive ones are influenced) © 2015

On September 23, 2013 I loaded up my Toyota Yaris and set out West. Went through NuWalleans (New Orleans) and purchased Phil Anselmo’s album Phil Anselmo and The Illegals: lotta Pantera, Down, Danzig, etc; I got to Antelope Hills Hotel on September 25. Was working out with Insanity Abs and P90Ab ripper X along the way as well.

Before I had left I had dinner with Charles and his family. Charles and his family has a very significant part of who I am. We been friends since 1981. I remember I was a very clumsy and gullible as a child. Many times I felt inferior. Two years older than him and most of my childhood friends; yet I always felt two years younger.

Charles used to ruff house house with me. Him, my father, and that girl who broke my heart in elementary school influenced me to workout with weights. Thus, came a point when I started throwing him around.

We did so many things together-read comics, made forts, went to the river, and partied together. When he started playing guitar, at age 13, I eventually got the courage to get that drum machine and created my own music. I was there for him when he was down and out. Just as he was there for me when I was down and out. I’d tell him everything. He was the only one i could tell everything to. I knew he’d non biasedly tell me what I was doing wrong and needed to improve with my life and my creative works.

Woke up the next morning, went to my car to drive to Prescott Valley. Firemen came out of no where, “Sir, where just concerned…” They gave me a breathelizer. Then determined my blood level might have been low. Gave me free Gator-aid. it was a thirty minute ordeal.

Mingus Mountain Academy was good to me. Set me up in a five star motel until October 1. reimbursed me $1000. dollars for the move. Spent that five days going to meetings and working out. Stepping Stones (the NA/ AA meeting place was across the street from the Anytime Fitness link to gym.

 Moved me in company housing with first 6 months for free.

Reported my first day to Mingus Mountain Academy in my three piece suit. The principal placed me to learn (shadow) one of the best workers. It was a relief to see how well run the school was. There was no yelling, no ruckus.

The school was started in 1985 by a couple. The dirt road leading to the school is named after the husband, Don Carlos. They tragically died in an airplane crash in the beginning days of the school.

The students and staff had seven levels of intervention:

The students actions were studied according to the Delinquent Triangle link. The guy I was shadowing and I had a philosophical discussion, “…I learned that children have to be manipulated into positive behaviors.”

“No. Negative behaviors are manipulated. Positive ones are influenced…”

Influenced meant recognizing their behaviors patterns. Then placing them in situations that influenced positive behaviors. For example, an isolated child would would be paired with an outgoing child. The students were rewarded different levels of freedom according to their behaviors. These freedoms included supervised weekend passes, and free time.

I was amazed by how the Delinquent Triangle applied to society. Wanted to some how someway have this system applied to Mississippi Public schools; especially low economic/ teacher shortage areas. Have yet to do so. Addressed my thoughts in these blogs link

During my time at Mingus I made several introspective discoveries. Read em’ here link

I went to work from 6am to 2pm, Monday through Friday. The work day started off supervising the girl’s chores. 7:00amish we, the staff, took the girls to breakfast. Meals are $1. 8 am we started school. I was the Special Education Teacher. I was replacing a worker who wanted to be in a supervisor. She was my immediate supervisor. I had a great assistant. He did so much to help me. Including being my confidant. From him I also learned about internet sites where I could watch movies and television shows for free.

While I was staying in the hotel, “Breaking Bad” link was on its final season. That gave me a bit of closure. When I moved to Clarksdale, in 2006, the series was just starting. Spent much time watching television shows via internet. On a Friday evening, I discovered there was an open mic performance in “Stepping Stones” link coffee lounge. That place was packed. When I went inside a hunger to play live was reawakened.

Met a great friend in the rooms of Narcotics Anonymous, Roger. He showed me more meetings; notably one further up Mingus Mountain in the ghost town of Jerome Jerome link. There weren’t many living there. It had burned down more than once due to mining. Great place to tour.

 When I started teaching, in Clarksdale, there was a workshop in which the presenter said,

“I learn more from my students than they ever learn from me.”


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